PHP Class Logger, atk4

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$details File we are currently logging errors to
$filename no debug messages added yet
$log_dir instead
$log_output $config['logger']['web_output']
$owner AModules3 compatibility
$public_error_message $config['logger']['log_output']
$web_output Configuration;

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$log_debug_file File we are currently logging errors to
$log_error_file You can change in $config['logger']['log_dir']
$log_info_file File we are currently logging errors to

Public Methods

Method Description
Debug ( $filename ) Debug functions
_microtime_float ( )
_sec2time ( $sec )
backtrace ( $sh = null, $backtrace = null )
caughtException ( $caller, $e )
cleanupLogDirectory ( )
displayError ( $o )
findFrame ( $function_name, $shift )
gatherDetails ( )
htmlLine ( $msg, $frame = null, $prefix = null )
init ( )
logCaughtException ( $e )
logException ( $e )
logLine ( $msg, $shiftfunc = null, $severity = 'info', $trace = null )
logVar ( $var, $msg = '', $shiftfunc = null, $severity = 'debug' )
openLogFile ( $severity = 'error' )
outputDebug ( $front, $caller, $msg, $shift )
outputFatal ( $caller, $msg, $shift )
outputInfo ( $caller, $msg, $shift, $nohtml = false )
outputWarning ( $caller, $msg, $shift )
p ( $message, $file = null, $line = null ) print
print_r ( $key, $gs, $ge, $ls, $le, $ind = ' ' )
showDebugInfo ( )
showRenderTree ( $e, $obj )
txtBacktrace ( $sh = null, $backtrace = null )
txtLine ( $msg, $frame = null, $prefix = null )
writeLogMessage ( )

Method Details

Debug() public method

Debug functions
public Debug ( $filename )

_microtime_float() public method

public _microtime_float ( )

_sec2time() public method

public _sec2time ( $sec )

backtrace() public method

public backtrace ( $sh = null, $backtrace = null )

caughtException() public method

public caughtException ( $caller, $e )

cleanupLogDirectory() public method

public cleanupLogDirectory ( )

displayError() public method

public displayError ( $o )

findFrame() public method

public findFrame ( $function_name, $shift )

gatherDetails() public method

public gatherDetails ( )

htmlLine() public method

public htmlLine ( $msg, $frame = null, $prefix = null )

init() public method

public init ( )

logCaughtException() public method

public logCaughtException ( $e )

logException() public method

public logException ( $e )

logLine() public method

public logLine ( $msg, $shiftfunc = null, $severity = 'info', $trace = null )

logVar() public method

public logVar ( $var, $msg = '', $shiftfunc = null, $severity = 'debug' )

openLogFile() public method

public openLogFile ( $severity = 'error' )

outputDebug() public method

public outputDebug ( $front, $caller, $msg, $shift )

outputFatal() public method

public outputFatal ( $caller, $msg, $shift )

outputInfo() public method

public outputInfo ( $caller, $msg, $shift, $nohtml = false )

outputWarning() public method

public outputWarning ( $caller, $msg, $shift )

p() public method

public p ( $message, $file = null, $line = null )

print_r() public method

public print_r ( $key, $gs, $ge, $ls, $le, $ind = ' ' )

showDebugInfo() public method

public showDebugInfo ( )

showRenderTree() public method

public showRenderTree ( $e, $obj )

txtBacktrace() public method

public txtBacktrace ( $sh = null, $backtrace = null )

txtLine() public method

public txtLine ( $msg, $frame = null, $prefix = null )

writeLogMessage() public method

public writeLogMessage ( )

Property Details

$_current_ip public property

public $_current_ip

$_prev_exec_time public property

public $_prev_exec_time

$debug_log public property

public $debug_log

$details public property

File we are currently logging errors to
public $details

$err_message public property

public $err_message

$filename public property

no debug messages added yet
public $filename

$log_debug_file protected property

File we are currently logging errors to
protected $log_debug_file

$log_dir public property

public $log_dir

$log_error_file protected property

You can change in $config['logger']['log_dir']
protected $log_error_file

$log_info_file protected property

File we are currently logging errors to
protected $log_info_file

$log_output public property

public $log_output

$owner public property

AModules3 compatibility
public $owner

$public_error_message public property

public $public_error_message

$recskip public property

public $recskip

$web_output public property

public $web_output