PHP Class Cake\Shell\RoutesShell

Inheritance: extends Cake\Console\Shell
Show file Open project: cakephp/cakephp

Public Methods

Method Description
check ( string $url ) : null | false Checks a url for the route that will be applied.
generate ( ) : null | false Generate a URL based on a set of parameters
getOptionParser ( ) : Cake\Console\ConsoleOptionParser Get the option parser.
main ( ) : void Override main() to handle action Displays all routes in an application.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_splitArgs ( array $args ) : array Split the CLI arguments into a hash.

Method Details

_splitArgs() protected method

Split the CLI arguments into a hash.
protected _splitArgs ( array $args ) : array
$args array The arguments to split.
return array

check() public method

Checks a url for the route that will be applied.
public check ( string $url ) : null | false
$url string The URL to parse
return null | false

generate() public method

Takes variadic arguments of key/value pairs.
public generate ( ) : null | false
return null | false

getOptionParser() public method

Get the option parser.
public getOptionParser ( ) : Cake\Console\ConsoleOptionParser
return Cake\Console\ConsoleOptionParser

main() public method

Override main() to handle action Displays all routes in an application.
public main ( ) : void
return void