PHP Class Thepixeldeveloper\Sitemap\Output

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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$indentString string What string is used for indentation.
$indented boolean Is the output indented.
$processingInstructions array Processing instructions.

Public Methods

Method Description
addProcessingInstruction ( string $target, string $content ) Adds a processing instruction.
getIndentString ( ) : string String used for indentation.
getOutput ( Thepixeldeveloper\Sitemap\OutputInterface $collection ) : string Renders the Sitemap as an XML string.
isIndented ( ) : boolean Output indented?
setIndentString ( string $indentString ) Set the string used for indentation.
setIndented ( boolean $indented ) Indent the output?

Method Details

addProcessingInstruction() public method

Adds a processing instruction.
public addProcessingInstruction ( string $target, string $content )
$target string
$content string

getIndentString() public method

String used for indentation.
public getIndentString ( ) : string
return string

getOutput() public method

Renders the Sitemap as an XML string.
public getOutput ( Thepixeldeveloper\Sitemap\OutputInterface $collection ) : string
$collection Thepixeldeveloper\Sitemap\OutputInterface
return string

isIndented() public method

Output indented?
public isIndented ( ) : boolean
return boolean

setIndentString() public method

Set the string used for indentation.
public setIndentString ( string $indentString )
$indentString string

setIndented() public method

Indent the output?
public setIndented ( boolean $indented )
$indented boolean

Property Details

$indentString protected property

What string is used for indentation.
protected string $indentString
return string

$indented protected property

Is the output indented.
protected bool $indented
return boolean

$processingInstructions protected property

Processing instructions.
protected array $processingInstructions
return array