PHP Class Trismegiste\Mondrian\Transform\GraphContext

Indexing the vertices by name
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $cfg, Trismegiste\Mondrian\Transform\Logger\LoggerInterface $log ) Build the context
existsVertex ( string $type, string $key ) : boolean Returns if a vertex of the type $type with the index $key exists
findAllMethodSameName ( string $method ) : Vertex[] Find all methods with the same name whatever its class
findVertex ( string $type, string $key ) : Vertex Find a vertex by its type and name
getExcludedCall ( string $class, string $method ) : array Get the list of excluded calls for this Class::Method
indicesVertex ( string $type, string $index, Vertex $v ) Maintains a hashmap : ( type , index ) => Vertex obj
logFallbackCall ( string $class, string $method, string $called ) Log a call found by the fallback

Method Details

__construct() public method

Build the context
public __construct ( array $cfg, Trismegiste\Mondrian\Transform\Logger\LoggerInterface $log )
$cfg array the config
$log Trismegiste\Mondrian\Transform\Logger\LoggerInterface a logger

existsVertex() public method

Returns if a vertex of the type $type with the index $key exists
public existsVertex ( string $type, string $key ) : boolean
$type string
$key string
return boolean

findAllMethodSameName() public method

Find all methods with the same name whatever its class
public findAllMethodSameName ( string $method ) : Vertex[]
$method string
return Trismegiste\Mondrian\Graph\Vertex[]

findVertex() public method

Find a vertex by its type and name
public findVertex ( string $type, string $key ) : Vertex
$type string
$key string
return Trismegiste\Mondrian\Graph\Vertex or null

getExcludedCall() public method

Get the list of excluded calls for this Class::Method
public getExcludedCall ( string $class, string $method ) : array
$class string
$method string
return array list of excluded methods "fqcn::methodName"

indicesVertex() public method

Maintains a hashmap : ( type , index ) => Vertex obj
public indicesVertex ( string $type, string $index, Vertex $v )
$type string [interface|class|method|param|impl|trait]
$index string the unique index in this type
$v Trismegiste\Mondrian\Graph\Vertex the vertex to index

logFallbackCall() public method

Log a call found by the fallback
public logFallbackCall ( string $class, string $method, string $called )
$class string
$method string
$called string

Property Details

$buildLogger protected property

protected $buildLogger

$fineTuning protected property

protected $fineTuning

$vertex protected property

protected $vertex