PHP Class LdapTools\Connection\LdapControl

Author: Chad Sikorra ([email protected])
Datei anzeigen Open project: ldaptools/ldaptools Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$criticality The criticality of the control.
$oid The OID for the control.
$value The value for the control.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $oid, boolean $criticality = false, mixed | null $value = null )
berEncodeInt ( integer $int ) : string A simple helper to BER encode an int for an ASN.1 structure for a basic LDAP control value.
getCriticality ( ) : boolean Get the criticality for the control.
getOid ( ) : string Get the OID for the control.
getValue ( ) : mixed Get the value for the control.
setCriticality ( boolean $criticality ) Set the criticality for the control.
setOid ( string $oid ) Set the OID for the control.
setValue ( mixed $value ) Set the value for the control.
toArray ( ) : array Get the control array structure that ldap_set_option expects.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( string $oid, boolean $criticality = false, mixed | null $value = null )
$oid string
$criticality boolean
$value mixed | null

berEncodeInt() public static method

A simple helper to BER encode an int for an ASN.1 structure for a basic LDAP control value.
public static berEncodeInt ( integer $int ) : string
$int integer
return string The BER encoded ASN.1 structure to use for the LDAP control value.

getCriticality() public method

Get the criticality for the control.
public getCriticality ( ) : boolean
return boolean

getOid() public method

Get the OID for the control.
public getOid ( ) : string
return string

getValue() public method

Get the value for the control.
public getValue ( ) : mixed
return mixed

setCriticality() public method

Set the criticality for the control.
public setCriticality ( boolean $criticality )
$criticality boolean

setOid() public method

Set the OID for the control.
public setOid ( string $oid )
$oid string

setValue() public method

Set the value for the control.
public setValue ( mixed $value )
$value mixed

toArray() public method

Get the control array structure that ldap_set_option expects.
public toArray ( ) : array
return array

Property Details

$criticality protected_oe property

The criticality of the control.
protected $criticality

$oid protected_oe property

The OID for the control.
protected $oid

$value protected_oe property

The value for the control.
protected $value