PHP Class IssueGalleyForm, ojs

Inheritance: extends Form
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$_issue the issue the galley belongs to
$_issueGalley current galley

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $request, $issue, $issueGalley = null ) Constructor.
execute ( $request ) : integer Save changes to the galley.
fetch ( $request ) Display the form.
initData ( ) Initialize form data from current galley (if applicable).
readInputData ( ) Assign form data to user-submitted data.
validate ( $request ) Validate the form

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $request, $issue, $issueGalley = null )
$issue Issue
$issueGalley IssueGalley (optional)

execute() public method

Save changes to the galley.
public execute ( $request ) : integer
$request PKPRequest
return integer the galley ID

fetch() public method

Display the form.
public fetch ( $request )

initData() public method

Initialize form data from current galley (if applicable).
public initData ( )

readInputData() public method

Assign form data to user-submitted data.
public readInputData ( )

validate() public method

Validate the form
public validate ( $request )

Property Details

$_issue public_oe property

the issue the galley belongs to
public $_issue

$_issueGalley public_oe property

current galley
public $_issueGalley