PHP Class Peridot\Console\Command

Inheritance: extends Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command, use trait Peridot\Core\HasEventEmitterTrait
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$configuration Peridot\Configuration
$factory Peridot\Reporter\ReporterFactory
$loader Peridot\Runner\SuiteLoaderInterface
$runner Peridot\Runner\RunnerInterface

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Peridot\Runner\RunnerInterface $runner, Configuration $configuration, Peridot\Reporter\ReporterFactory $factory, Evenement\EventEmitterInterface $eventEmitter )
getLoader ( ) : Peridot\Runner\SuiteLoaderInterface Fetch the loader used by the Peridot command. Defaults to a glob based loader
getRunner ( ) : Peridot\Runner\RunnerInterface Return the runner used by the Peridot command. Defaults to an instance of Peridot\Runner\Runner.
getSynopsis ( $short = false ) : string
setLoader ( Peridot\Runner\SuiteLoaderInterface $loader ) Set the loader used by the Peridot command
setRunner ( Peridot\Runner\RunnerInterface $runner ) Set the suite runner used by the Peridot command.

Protected Methods

Method Description
execute ( Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input, Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output ) : integer Load and run Suites and Tests
getResult ( ) : integer Return the result as an integer.
listReporters ( Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output ) Output available reporters

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Peridot\Runner\RunnerInterface $runner, Configuration $configuration, Peridot\Reporter\ReporterFactory $factory, Evenement\EventEmitterInterface $eventEmitter )
$runner Peridot\Runner\RunnerInterface
$configuration Peridot\Configuration
$factory Peridot\Reporter\ReporterFactory
$eventEmitter Evenement\EventEmitterInterface

execute() protected method

Load and run Suites and Tests
protected execute ( Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input, Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output ) : integer
$input Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface
$output Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface
return integer

getLoader() public method

Fetch the loader used by the Peridot command. Defaults to a glob based loader
public getLoader ( ) : Peridot\Runner\SuiteLoaderInterface
return Peridot\Runner\SuiteLoaderInterface

getResult() protected method

Return the result as an integer.
protected getResult ( ) : integer
return integer

getRunner() public method

Return the runner used by the Peridot command. Defaults to an instance of Peridot\Runner\Runner.
public getRunner ( ) : Peridot\Runner\RunnerInterface
return Peridot\Runner\RunnerInterface

getSynopsis() public method

public getSynopsis ( $short = false ) : string
return string

listReporters() protected method

Output available reporters
protected listReporters ( Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output )
$output Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface

setLoader() public method

Set the loader used by the Peridot command
public setLoader ( Peridot\Runner\SuiteLoaderInterface $loader )
$loader Peridot\Runner\SuiteLoaderInterface

setRunner() public method

Set the suite runner used by the Peridot command.
public setRunner ( Peridot\Runner\RunnerInterface $runner )
$runner Peridot\Runner\RunnerInterface

Property Details

$configuration protected_oe property

protected Configuration,Peridot $configuration
return Peridot\Configuration

$factory protected_oe property

protected ReporterFactory,Peridot\Reporter $factory
return Peridot\Reporter\ReporterFactory

$loader protected_oe property

protected SuiteLoaderInterface,Peridot\Runner $loader
return Peridot\Runner\SuiteLoaderInterface

$runner protected_oe property

protected RunnerInterface,Peridot\Runner $runner
return Peridot\Runner\RunnerInterface