PHP Class BudgetOrderService, googleads-php-lib

Inheritance: extends AdWordsSoapClient
Afficher le fichier Open project: googleads/googleads-php-lib

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
$classmap array Default class map for wsdl=>php
$endpoint string The endpoint of the service

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__construct ( string $wsdl, array $options, $user ) Constructor using wsdl location and options array
get ( $serviceSelector ) : A This field is required and should not be {@code null}.
getBillingAccounts ( ) : A Returns all the open/active BillingAccounts associated with the current manager.
mutate ( $operations ) : BudgetOrders This field must not contain {@code null} elements. This field must contain at least one element. This field is required and should not be {@code null}. The following {@link Operator}s are supported: ADD, SET, REMOVE.

Method Details

__construct() public méthode

Constructor using wsdl location and options array
public __construct ( string $wsdl, array $options, $user )
$wsdl string WSDL location for this service
$options array Options for the SoapClient

get() public méthode

Gets a list of {@link BudgetOrder}s using the generic selector.
public get ( $serviceSelector ) : A
Résultat A {@link BudgetOrderPage} of BudgetOrders of the client customer. All BudgetOrder fields are returned. Stats are not yet supported.

getBillingAccounts() public méthode

Returns all the open/active BillingAccounts associated with the current manager.
public getBillingAccounts ( ) : A
Résultat A list of {@link BillingAccount}s.

mutate() public méthode

Mutates BudgetOrders, supported operations are:

ADD: Adds a {@link BudgetOrder} to the billing account specified by the billing account ID.

SET: Sets the start/end date and amount of the {@link BudgetOrder}.

REMOVE: Cancels the {@link BudgetOrder} (status change).

Warning: The BudgetOrderService is limited to one operation per mutate request. Any attempt to make more than one operation will result in an ApiException.

public mutate ( $operations ) : BudgetOrders
Résultat BudgetOrders affected by the mutate operation.

Property Details

$classmap public_oe static_oe property

Default class map for wsdl=>php
public static array $classmap
Résultat array

$endpoint public_oe static_oe property

The endpoint of the service
public static string $endpoint
Résultat string