PHP Class Pantheon\Terminus\Commands\Connection\SetCommand

Inheritance: extends Pantheon\Terminus\Commands\TerminusCommand, implements Pantheon\Terminus\Site\SiteAwareInterface, use trait Pantheon\Terminus\Site\SiteAwareTrait
Afficher le fichier Open project: pantheon-systems/terminus

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
connectionSet ( string $site_env, string $mode ) Set git or sftp connection mode on a site's dev or multidev environment

Method Details

connectionSet() public méthode

Set git or sftp connection mode on a site's dev or multidev environment
public connectionSet ( string $site_env, string $mode )
$site_env string Name of the environment to set. Note that you cannot change 'test' or 'live'.
$mode string [git|sftp] The connection mode to set