PHP Class Prado\Web\UI\WebControls\TKeyboard
TKeyboard displays a virtual keyboard that users can click on to enter input in
an associated text box. It helps to reduce the keyboard recording hacking.
To use TKeyboard, write a template like following:
A TKeyboard control is associated with a {@link TTextBox} control by specifying {@link setForControl ForControl}
to be the ID of that control. When the textbox is in focus, a virtual keyboard will pop up; and when
the text box is losing focus, the keyboard will hide automatically. Set {@link setAutoHide AutoHide} to
false to keep the keyboard showing all the time.
The appearance of the keyboard can also be changed by specifying a customized CSS file via
{@link setCssUrl CssUrl}. By default, the CSS class name for the keyboard is 'Keyboard'. This may
also be changed by specifying {@link setKeyboardCssClass KeyboardCssClass}.
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Open project: pradosoft/prado
Méthodes publiques
Méthodes protégées
Method Details
protected méthode
This method overrides the parent implementation with additional TKeyboard specific attributes.
public méthode
public getAutoHide ( ) : boolean |
Résultat |
boolean |
whether the keyboard should be hidden when the textbox is not in focus. Defaults to true. |
protected méthode
protected méthode
public méthode
public getCssUrl ( ) : string |
Résultat |
string |
the URL for the CSS file to customize the appearance of the keyboard. |
public méthode
public méthode
public méthode
This method is invoked right before the control rendering, if the control is visible.
protected méthode
Registers the relevant JavaScript.
protected méthode
It will register the CSS file specified by {@link getCssUrl CssUrl}.
If that is not set, it will use the default CSS.
public méthode
public méthode
public méthode
The ID path is the dot-connected IDs of the controls reaching from
the keyboard's naming container to the target control.
public méthode
Note, if you change this property, make sure you also supply a customized CSS file
by specifying {@link setCssUrl CssUrl} which uses the new CSS class name for styling.