PHP Class Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\OraclePlatform

Since: 2.0
Author: Roman Borschel ([email protected])
Author: Benjamin Eberlei ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform
Mostra file Open project: doctrine/dbal Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
assertValidIdentifier ( string $identifier ) Assertion for Oracle identifiers.
fixSchemaElementName ( $schemaElementName ) {@inheritDoc}
getAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSQL ( Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint $foreignKey )
getAlterSequenceSQL ( Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Sequence $sequence ) {@inheritDoc}
getAlterTableSQL ( Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff $diff ) {@inheritDoc}
getBigIntTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $field ) {@inheritDoc}
getBinaryMaxLength ( )
getBitAndComparisonExpression ( $value1, $value2 ) {@inheritDoc}
getBitOrComparisonExpression ( $value1, $value2 ) {@inheritDoc}
getBlobTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $field ) {@inheritDoc}
getBooleanTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $field ) {@inheritDoc}
getClobTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $field ) {@inheritDoc}
getColumnDeclarationSQL ( $name, array $field )
getCreateAutoincrementSql ( string $name, string $table, integer $start = 1 ) : array
getCreateSequenceSQL ( Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Sequence $sequence ) {@inheritDoc}
getCreateTemporaryTableSnippetSQL ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getCreateViewSQL ( $name, $sql ) {@inheritDoc}
getDateDiffExpression ( $date1, $date2 ) {@inheritDoc}
getDateFormatString ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getDateTimeTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $fieldDeclaration ) {@inheritDoc}
getDateTimeTzFormatString ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getDateTimeTzTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $fieldDeclaration ) {@inheritDoc}
getDateTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $fieldDeclaration ) {@inheritDoc}
getDropAutoincrementSql ( string $table ) : array Returns the SQL statements to drop the autoincrement for the given table name.
getDropDatabaseSQL ( $database ) {@inheritDoc}
getDropForeignKeySQL ( $foreignKey, $table ) {@inheritDoc}
getDropSequenceSQL ( $sequence ) {@inheritDoc}
getDropViewSQL ( $name ) {@inheritDoc}
getDummySelectSQL ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getForeignKeyReferentialActionSQL ( $action )
getGuidExpression ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getIdentitySequenceName ( $tableName, $columnName )
getIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $field ) {@inheritDoc}
getListDatabasesSQL ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getListSequencesSQL ( $database ) {@inheritDoc}
getListTableColumnsSQL ( $table, $database = null ) {@inheritDoc}
getListTableConstraintsSQL ( $table ) {@inheritDoc}
getListTableForeignKeysSQL ( $table ) {@inheritDoc}
getListTableIndexesSQL ( $table, $currentDatabase = null ) {@inheritDoc}
getListTablesSQL ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getListViewsSQL ( $database ) {@inheritDoc}
getLocateExpression ( $str, $substr, $startPos = false ) {@inheritDoc}
getMaxIdentifierLength ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getName ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getNowExpression ( $type = 'timestamp' ) {@inheritDoc}
getSQLResultCasing ( $column ) {@inheritDoc}
getSequenceNextValSQL ( $sequenceName ) {@inheritDoc}
getSetTransactionIsolationSQL ( $level ) {@inheritDoc}
getSmallIntTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $field ) {@inheritDoc}
getSubstringExpression ( $value, $position, $length = null ) {@inheritDoc}
getTimeFormatString ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getTimeTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $fieldDeclaration ) {@inheritDoc}
getTruncateTableSQL ( $tableName, $cascade = false ) {@inheritDoc}
prefersSequences ( ) {@inheritDoc}
quoteStringLiteral ( $str )
releaseSavePoint ( $savepoint ) {@inheritDoc}
supportsCommentOnStatement ( ) {@inheritDoc}
supportsForeignKeyOnUpdate ( ) {@inheritDoc}
supportsReleaseSavepoints ( ) {@inheritDoc}
supportsSequences ( ) {@inheritDoc}
usesSequenceEmulatedIdentityColumns ( )

Protected Methods

Method Description
_getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $columnDef ) {@inheritDoc}
_getCreateTableSQL ( $table, array $columns, array $options = [] ) {@inheritDoc}
_getTransactionIsolationLevelSQL ( $level ) {@inheritDoc}
doModifyLimitQuery ( $query, $limit, $offset = null ) {@inheritDoc}
getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQLSnippet ( $length, $fixed )
getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression ( $date, $operator, $interval, $unit )
getRenameIndexSQL ( $oldIndexName, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index $index, $tableName )
getReservedKeywordsClass ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQLSnippet ( $length, $fixed ) {@inheritDoc}
initializeDoctrineTypeMappings ( ) {@inheritDoc}

Private Methods

Method Description
getAutoincrementIdentifierName ( Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Identifier $table ) : string Returns the autoincrement primary key identifier name for the given table identifier.
getSequenceCacheSQL ( Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Sequence $sequence ) : string Cache definition for sequences
normalizeIdentifier ( string $name ) : Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Identifier Normalizes the given identifier.

Method Details

_getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL() protected method

protected _getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $columnDef )
$columnDef array

_getCreateTableSQL() protected method

protected _getCreateTableSQL ( $table, array $columns, array $options = [] )
$columns array
$options array

_getTransactionIsolationLevelSQL() protected method

protected _getTransactionIsolationLevelSQL ( $level )

assertValidIdentifier() public static method

Assertion for Oracle identifiers.
public static assertValidIdentifier ( string $identifier )
$identifier string

doModifyLimitQuery() protected method

protected doModifyLimitQuery ( $query, $limit, $offset = null )

fixSchemaElementName() public method

public fixSchemaElementName ( $schemaElementName )

getAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSQL() public method

public getAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSQL ( Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint $foreignKey )
$foreignKey Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint

getAlterSequenceSQL() public method

public getAlterSequenceSQL ( Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Sequence $sequence )
$sequence Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Sequence

getAlterTableSQL() public method

public getAlterTableSQL ( Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff $diff )
$diff Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff

getBigIntTypeDeclarationSQL() public method

public getBigIntTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $field )
$field array

getBinaryMaxLength() public method

public getBinaryMaxLength ( )

getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQLSnippet() protected method

protected getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQLSnippet ( $length, $fixed )

getBitAndComparisonExpression() public method

public getBitAndComparisonExpression ( $value1, $value2 )

getBitOrComparisonExpression() public method

public getBitOrComparisonExpression ( $value1, $value2 )

getBlobTypeDeclarationSQL() public method

public getBlobTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $field )
$field array

getBooleanTypeDeclarationSQL() public method

public getBooleanTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $field )
$field array

getClobTypeDeclarationSQL() public method

public getClobTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $field )
$field array

getColumnDeclarationSQL() public method

public getColumnDeclarationSQL ( $name, array $field )
$field array

getCreateAutoincrementSql() public method

public getCreateAutoincrementSql ( string $name, string $table, integer $start = 1 ) : array
$name string
$table string
$start integer
return array

getCreateSequenceSQL() public method

Need to specifiy minvalue, since start with is hidden in the system and MINVALUE <= START WITH. Therefore we can use MINVALUE to be able to get a hint what START WITH was for later introspection in {@see \listSequences()}
public getCreateSequenceSQL ( Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Sequence $sequence )
$sequence Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Sequence

getCreateTemporaryTableSnippetSQL() public method


getCreateViewSQL() public method

public getCreateViewSQL ( $name, $sql )

getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression() protected method

protected getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression ( $date, $operator, $interval, $unit )

getDateDiffExpression() public method

Note: Since Oracle timestamp differences are calculated down to the microsecond we have to truncate them to the difference in days. This is obviously a restriction of the original functionality, but we need to make this a portable function.
public getDateDiffExpression ( $date1, $date2 )

getDateFormatString() public method

public getDateFormatString ( )

getDateTimeTypeDeclarationSQL() public method

public getDateTimeTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $fieldDeclaration )
$fieldDeclaration array

getDateTimeTzFormatString() public method


getDateTimeTzTypeDeclarationSQL() public method

public getDateTimeTzTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $fieldDeclaration )
$fieldDeclaration array

getDateTypeDeclarationSQL() public method

public getDateTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $fieldDeclaration )
$fieldDeclaration array

getDropAutoincrementSql() public method

Returns the SQL statements to drop the autoincrement for the given table name.
public getDropAutoincrementSql ( string $table ) : array
$table string The table name to drop the autoincrement for.
return array

getDropDatabaseSQL() public method

public getDropDatabaseSQL ( $database )

getDropForeignKeySQL() public method

public getDropForeignKeySQL ( $foreignKey, $table )

getDropSequenceSQL() public method

public getDropSequenceSQL ( $sequence )

getDropViewSQL() public method

public getDropViewSQL ( $name )

getDummySelectSQL() public method

public getDummySelectSQL ( )

getForeignKeyReferentialActionSQL() public method

getGuidExpression() public method

public getGuidExpression ( )

getIdentitySequenceName() public method

public getIdentitySequenceName ( $tableName, $columnName )

getIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL() public method

public getIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $field )
$field array

getListDatabasesSQL() public method

public getListDatabasesSQL ( )

getListSequencesSQL() public method

public getListSequencesSQL ( $database )

getListTableColumnsSQL() public method

public getListTableColumnsSQL ( $table, $database = null )

getListTableConstraintsSQL() public method

public getListTableConstraintsSQL ( $table )

getListTableForeignKeysSQL() public method

public getListTableForeignKeysSQL ( $table )

getListTableIndexesSQL() public method

public getListTableIndexesSQL ( $table, $currentDatabase = null )

getListTablesSQL() public method

public getListTablesSQL ( )

getListViewsSQL() public method

public getListViewsSQL ( $database )

getLocateExpression() public method

public getLocateExpression ( $str, $substr, $startPos = false )

getMaxIdentifierLength() public method


getName() public method

public getName ( )

getNowExpression() public method

public getNowExpression ( $type = 'timestamp' )

getRenameIndexSQL() protected method

protected getRenameIndexSQL ( $oldIndexName, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index $index, $tableName )
$index Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index

getReservedKeywordsClass() protected method

protected getReservedKeywordsClass ( )

getSQLResultCasing() public method

Oracle returns all column names in SQL result sets in uppercase.
public getSQLResultCasing ( $column )

getSequenceNextValSQL() public method

public getSequenceNextValSQL ( $sequenceName )

getSetTransactionIsolationSQL() public method

public getSetTransactionIsolationSQL ( $level )

getSmallIntTypeDeclarationSQL() public method

public getSmallIntTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $field )
$field array

getSubstringExpression() public method

public getSubstringExpression ( $value, $position, $length = null )

getTimeFormatString() public method

public getTimeFormatString ( )

getTimeTypeDeclarationSQL() public method

public getTimeTypeDeclarationSQL ( array $fieldDeclaration )
$fieldDeclaration array

getTruncateTableSQL() public method

public getTruncateTableSQL ( $tableName, $cascade = false )

getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQLSnippet() protected method

protected getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQLSnippet ( $length, $fixed )

initializeDoctrineTypeMappings() protected method


prefersSequences() public method

public prefersSequences ( )

quoteStringLiteral() public method

public quoteStringLiteral ( $str )

releaseSavePoint() public method

public releaseSavePoint ( $savepoint )

supportsCommentOnStatement() public method


supportsForeignKeyOnUpdate() public method


supportsReleaseSavepoints() public method


supportsSequences() public method

public supportsSequences ( )

usesSequenceEmulatedIdentityColumns() public method