PHP Class Migrations\AbstractMigration

Inheritance: extends Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$autoId boolean This option is global for all tables created in the migration file. If you set it to false, you have to manually add the primary keys for your tables using the Migrations\Table::addPrimaryKey() method

Public Methods

Method Description
table ( $tableName, $options = [] ) : Migrations\Table

Method Details

table() public method

public table ( $tableName, $options = [] ) : Migrations\Table
return Migrations\Table

Property Details

$autoId public_oe property

This option is global for all tables created in the migration file. If you set it to false, you have to manually add the primary keys for your tables using the Migrations\Table::addPrimaryKey() method
public bool $autoId
return boolean