PHP Class Prose\FromHost

Inheritance: extends HostBase
ファイルを表示 Open project: datasift/storyplayer

Public Methods

Method Description
downloadFile ( string $sourceFilename, string $destFilename ) : CommandResult
getAllScreenSessions ( ) : array
getAppSetting ( string $path, string | null $settingName = null ) : mixed
getAppSettings ( string $appName ) : mixed
getDetails ( ) : object
getFileDetails ( string $filename ) : object
getHostIsRunning ( ) : boolean is a host up and running?
getHostname ( ) : string get the hostname for a host
getInstalledPackageDetails ( string $packageName ) : object
getIpAddress ( ) : string get the IP address for a host
getIsScreenRunning ( string $sessionName ) : boolean
getLocalFolder ( ) : string which local folder do we need to be in when working with this host?
getPid ( string $processName ) : integer
getPidIsRunning ( integer $pid ) : boolean
getProcessIsRunning ( string $processName ) : boolean
getScreenIsRunning ( string $sessionName ) : boolean
getScreenSessionDetails ( string $sessionName ) : DataSift\Stone\ObjectLib\BaseObject | null
getSshKeyFile ( ) : string
getSshUsername ( ) : string
getStorySetting ( string $path ) : mixed

Protected Methods

Method Description
getLegacyAppSetting ( string $appName, string $settingName ) : mixed

Method Details

downloadFile() public method

public downloadFile ( string $sourceFilename, string $destFilename ) : CommandResult
$sourceFilename string
$destFilename string
return DataSift\Storyplayer\CommandLib\CommandResult

getAllScreenSessions() public method

public getAllScreenSessions ( ) : array
return array

getAppSetting() public method

public getAppSetting ( string $path, string | null $settingName = null ) : mixed
$path string
$settingName string | null
return mixed

getAppSettings() public method

public getAppSettings ( string $appName ) : mixed
$appName string
return mixed

getDetails() public method

public getDetails ( ) : object
return object

getFileDetails() public method

public getFileDetails ( string $filename ) : object
$filename string
return object

getHostIsRunning() public method

is a host up and running?
public getHostIsRunning ( ) : boolean
return boolean

getHostname() public method

the returned hostname is suitable for use in HTTP/HTTPS URLs if we have been unable to determine the hostname for the host, this will return the host's IP address instead
public getHostname ( ) : string
return string

getInstalledPackageDetails() public method

public getInstalledPackageDetails ( string $packageName ) : object
$packageName string
return object

getIpAddress() public method

get the IP address for a host
public getIpAddress ( ) : string
return string

getIsScreenRunning() public method

public getIsScreenRunning ( string $sessionName ) : boolean
$sessionName string
return boolean

getLegacyAppSetting() protected method

protected getLegacyAppSetting ( string $appName, string $settingName ) : mixed
$appName string
$settingName string
return mixed

getLocalFolder() public method

which local folder do we need to be in when working with this host?
public getLocalFolder ( ) : string
return string

getPid() public method

public getPid ( string $processName ) : integer
$processName string
return integer

getPidIsRunning() public method

public getPidIsRunning ( integer $pid ) : boolean
$pid integer
return boolean

getProcessIsRunning() public method

public getProcessIsRunning ( string $processName ) : boolean
$processName string
return boolean

getScreenIsRunning() public method

public getScreenIsRunning ( string $sessionName ) : boolean
$sessionName string
return boolean

getScreenSessionDetails() public method

public getScreenSessionDetails ( string $sessionName ) : DataSift\Stone\ObjectLib\BaseObject | null
$sessionName string
return DataSift\Stone\ObjectLib\BaseObject | null

getSshKeyFile() public method

public getSshKeyFile ( ) : string
return string

getSshUsername() public method

public getSshUsername ( ) : string
return string

getStorySetting() public method

public getStorySetting ( string $path ) : mixed
$path string
return mixed