PHP Interface Phue\LightInterface

ファイルを表示 Open project: sqmk/phue

Public Methods

Method Description
getAlert ( ) : string Get alert
getBrightness ( ) : integer Get brightness
getColorMode ( ) : string Get color mode of light
getColorTemp ( ) : integer Get Color temperature
getEffect ( ) : string Get effect mode
getHue ( ) : integer Get hue
getId ( ) : integer Get light or group Id
getName ( ) : string Get assigned name of light or group
getSaturation ( ) : integer Get saturation
getType ( ) : string Get type
getXY ( ) : array Get XY
isOn ( ) : boolean Is the light or group on?
setAlert ( string $mode = SetLightState::ALERT_LONG_SELECT ) : Phue\LightInterface Set light or group alert
setBrightness ( integer $level = SetLightState::BRIGHTNESS_MAX ) : Phue\LightInterface Set brightness
setColorTemp ( integer $value ) : Phue\LightInterface Set Color temperature
setEffect ( string $mode = SetLightState::EFFECT_NONE ) : Phue\LightInterface Set effect
setHue ( integer $value ) : Phue\LightInterface Set hue
setName ( string $name ) : Phue\LightInterface Set name of light/group
setOn ( boolean $flag = true ) : Phue\LightInterface Set light or group on/off
setSaturation ( integer $value ) : Phue\LightInterface Set saturation
setXY ( float $x, float $y ) : Phue\LightInterface Set XY

Method Details

getAlert() public method

Get alert
public getAlert ( ) : string
return string Alert mode

getBrightness() public method

Get brightness
public getBrightness ( ) : integer
return integer Brightness level

getColorMode() public method

Get color mode of light
public getColorMode ( ) : string
return string Color mode

getColorTemp() public method

Get Color temperature
public getColorTemp ( ) : integer
return integer Color temperature value

getEffect() public method

Get effect mode
public getEffect ( ) : string
return string effect mode

getHue() public method

Get hue
public getHue ( ) : integer
return integer Hue value

getId() public method

Get light or group Id
public getId ( ) : integer
return integer Light/Group id

getName() public method

Get assigned name of light or group
public getName ( ) : string
return string Name of light/group

getSaturation() public method

Get saturation
public getSaturation ( ) : integer
return integer Saturation value

getType() public method

Get type
public getType ( ) : string
return string Type

getXY() public method

Get XY
public getXY ( ) : array
return array X, Y key/value

isOn() public method

Is the light or group on?
public isOn ( ) : boolean
return boolean True if on, false if not

setAlert() public method

Set light or group alert
public setAlert ( string $mode = SetLightState::ALERT_LONG_SELECT ) : Phue\LightInterface
$mode string Alert mode
return Phue\LightInterface

setBrightness() public method

Set brightness
public setBrightness ( integer $level = SetLightState::BRIGHTNESS_MAX ) : Phue\LightInterface
$level integer Brightness level
return Phue\LightInterface

setColorTemp() public method

Set Color temperature
public setColorTemp ( integer $value ) : Phue\LightInterface
$value integer Color temperature value
return Phue\LightInterface

setEffect() public method

Set effect
public setEffect ( string $mode = SetLightState::EFFECT_NONE ) : Phue\LightInterface
$mode string Effect mode
return Phue\LightInterface

setHue() public method

Set hue
public setHue ( integer $value ) : Phue\LightInterface
$value integer Hue value
return Phue\LightInterface

setName() public method

Set name of light/group
public setName ( string $name ) : Phue\LightInterface
$name string
return Phue\LightInterface

setOn() public method

Set light or group on/off
public setOn ( boolean $flag = true ) : Phue\LightInterface
$flag boolean True for on, false for off
return Phue\LightInterface

setSaturation() public method

Set saturation
public setSaturation ( integer $value ) : Phue\LightInterface
$value integer Saturation value
return Phue\LightInterface

setXY() public method

Set XY
public setXY ( float $x, float $y ) : Phue\LightInterface
$x float X value
$y float Y value
return Phue\LightInterface