PHP 클래스 Kohkimakimoto\Worker\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop

상속: extends React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: kohkimakimoto/workerphp

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
streamSelect ( array &$read, array &$write, integer | null $timeout ) : integer Emulate a stream_select() implementation that does not break when passed empty stream arrays.

메소드 상세

streamSelect() 보호된 메소드

Emulate a stream_select() implementation that does not break when passed empty stream arrays.
protected streamSelect ( array &$read, array &$write, integer | null $timeout ) : integer
$read array
$write array
$timeout integer | null Activity timeout in microseconds, or null to wait forever.
리턴 integer The total number of streams that are ready for read/write.