PHP Класс Cake\Controller\Component

### Initialize hook Like Controller and Table, this class has an initialize() hook that you can use to add custom 'constructor' logic. It is important to remember that each request (and sub-request) will only make one instance of any given component. ### Life cycle callbacks Components can provide several callbacks that are fired at various stages of the request cycle. The available callbacks are: - beforeFilter(Event $event) Called before the controller's beforeFilter method by default. - startup(Event $event) Called after the controller's beforeFilter method, and before the controller action is called. - beforeRender(Event $event) Called before the Controller beforeRender, and before the view class is loaded. - shutdown(Event $event) Called after the action is complete and the view has been rendered but before Controller::afterFilter(). - beforeRedirect(Event $event $url, Response $response) Called before a redirect is done. Allows you to change the URL that will be redirected to by returning a Response instance with new URL set using Response::location(). Redirection can be prevented by stopping the event propagation. While the controller is not an explicit argument for the callback methods it is the subject of each event and can be fetched using Event::subject().
См. также: Cake\Controller\Controller::$components
Наследование: implements Cake\Event\EventListenerInterface, use trait Cake\Core\InstanceConfigTrait, use trait Cake\Log\LogTrait
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
$components array Other Components this component uses.
$request Cake\Network\Request Request object
$response Cake\Network\Response Response object

Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$_componentMap array A component lookup table used to lazy load component objects.
$_defaultConfig array These are merged with user-provided config when the component is used.
$_registry Cake\Controller\ComponentRegistry Component registry class used to lazy load components.

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( Cake\Controller\ComponentRegistry $registry, array $config = [] ) Constructor
__debugInfo ( ) : array Returns an array that can be used to describe the internal state of this object.
__get ( string $name ) : mixed Magic method for lazy loading $components.
implementedEvents ( ) : array Get the Controller callbacks this Component is interested in.
initialize ( array $config ) : void Constructor hook method.

Описание методов

__construct() публичный метод

public __construct ( Cake\Controller\ComponentRegistry $registry, array $config = [] )
$registry Cake\Controller\ComponentRegistry A ComponentRegistry this component can use to lazy load its components
$config array Array of configuration settings.

__debugInfo() публичный метод

Returns an array that can be used to describe the internal state of this object.
public __debugInfo ( ) : array
Результат array

__get() публичный метод

Magic method for lazy loading $components.
public __get ( string $name ) : mixed
$name string Name of component to get.
Результат mixed A Component object or null.

implementedEvents() публичный метод

Uses Conventions to map controller events to standard component callback method names. By defining one of the callback methods a component is assumed to be interested in the related event. Override this method if you need to add non-conventional event listeners. Or if you want components to listen to non-standard events.
public implementedEvents ( ) : array
Результат array

initialize() публичный метод

Implement this method to avoid having to overwrite the constructor and call parent.
public initialize ( array $config ) : void
$config array The configuration settings provided to this component.
Результат void

Описание свойств

$_componentMap защищенное свойство

A component lookup table used to lazy load component objects.
protected array $_componentMap
Результат array

$_defaultConfig защищенное свойство

These are merged with user-provided config when the component is used.
protected array $_defaultConfig
Результат array

$_registry защищенное свойство

Component registry class used to lazy load components.
protected ComponentRegistry,Cake\Controller $_registry
Результат Cake\Controller\ComponentRegistry

$components публичное свойство

Other Components this component uses.
public array $components
Результат array

$request публичное свойство

Request object
public Request,Cake\Network $request
Результат Cake\Network\Request

$response публичное свойство

Response object
public Response,Cake\Network $response
Результат Cake\Network\Response