PHP Класс Newscoop\Entity\Repository\IssueRepository

Наследование: extends Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
getByPublicationAndNumberAndLanguage ( $publication, $number = null, $language = null )
getIssue ( $languageCode, $publication, $shortName = null )
getIssuesCountForPublication ( $publicationId )
getLastPublishedByPublication ( $publicationId )
getLatestByPublication ( $publicationId, boolean | integer $maxResults = 1, boolean $leftJoins = true ) : Issue | null Retrieve the latest issue. Optional an array for filtering can be specified. Think of parameters: Publication, Languages, published or not, etc.

Описание методов

getByPublicationAndNumberAndLanguage() публичный метод

public getByPublicationAndNumberAndLanguage ( $publication, $number = null, $language = null )

getIssue() публичный метод

public getIssue ( $languageCode, $publication, $shortName = null )

getIssuesCountForPublication() публичный метод

public getIssuesCountForPublication ( $publicationId )

getLastPublishedByPublication() публичный метод

public getLastPublishedByPublication ( $publicationId )

getLatestByPublication() публичный метод

Retrieve the latest issue. Optional an array for filtering can be specified. Think of parameters: Publication, Languages, published or not, etc.
public getLatestByPublication ( $publicationId, boolean | integer $maxResults = 1, boolean $leftJoins = true ) : Issue | null
$maxResults boolean | integer Max results to show
$leftJoins boolean Adds left joins to the query to get section and language
Результат Newscoop\Entity\Issue | null