PHP Класс Newscoop\Service\Model\Search\ColumnOrder

Наследование: extends Column
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
$ascending boolean *

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
isOrderAscending ( ) : null | boolean Provides the ordering status of the column.
order ( boolean $ascending ) : Newscoop\Service\Model\Search\Column Set this column to be ordered.
orderAscending ( ) : Newscoop\Service\Model\Search\Column Set this column to be ordered asscending.
orderDescending ( ) : Newscoop\Service\Model\Search\Column Set this column to be ordered descending.

Описание методов

isOrderAscending() публичный метод

Provides the ordering status of the column.
public isOrderAscending ( ) : null | boolean
Результат null | boolean Returns NULL if this column is not ordered, true if the order is ascending, flase for descending.

order() публичный метод

Set this column to be ordered.
public order ( boolean $ascending ) : Newscoop\Service\Model\Search\Column
$ascending boolean If true than the column will be ordered asscending, if false descending.
Результат Newscoop\Service\Model\Search\Column This instance, used for chaining purposes.

orderAscending() публичный метод

Set this column to be ordered asscending.
public orderAscending ( ) : Newscoop\Service\Model\Search\Column
Результат Newscoop\Service\Model\Search\Column This instance, used for chaining purposes.

orderDescending() публичный метод

Set this column to be ordered descending.
public orderDescending ( ) : Newscoop\Service\Model\Search\Column
Результат Newscoop\Service\Model\Search\Column This instance, used for chaining purposes.

Описание свойств

$ascending защищенное свойство

protected bool $ascending
Результат boolean