PHP Интерфейс Sonata\Component\Generator\ReferenceInterface

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
invoice ( Sonata\Component\Invoice\InvoiceInterface $invoice ) Append a valid reference number to the invoice, the order must be persisted first.
order ( Sonata\Component\Order\OrderInterface $order ) Append a valid reference number to the order, the order must be persisted first.

Описание методов

invoice() публичный Метод

Append a valid reference number to the invoice, the order must be persisted first.
public invoice ( Sonata\Component\Invoice\InvoiceInterface $invoice )
$invoice Sonata\Component\Invoice\InvoiceInterface

order() публичный Метод

Append a valid reference number to the order, the order must be persisted first.
public order ( Sonata\Component\Order\OrderInterface $order )
$order Sonata\Component\Order\OrderInterface