PHP LdapTools\Ldif\Entry Пространство имен


Имя Описание
LdifEntryInterface The interface for a LDIF entry.


Имя Описание
LdifEntryAdd Represents a LDIF entry to add an object to LDAP.
LdifEntryDelete Represents a LDIF entry to delete an object from LDAP.
LdifEntryModDn Represents a LDIF entry to modify the DN of an existing LDAP object (ie. move or rename it).
LdifEntryModRdn Represents a LDIF entry to modify the RDN of an existing LDAP object (ie. move or rename it).
LdifEntryModify Represents a LDIF entry to modify an existing LDAP object.


Имя Описание
LdifEntryTrait Common LDIF entry functions and properties.