PHP Neos\Flow\Tests\Functional\Aop\Fixtures Пространство имен


Имя Описание
Introduced01Interface An interface which is introduced into TargetClass03
SayHelloInterface An interface with a sayHello method


Имя Описание
AbstractClass An abstract class with an abstract and a concrete method
AbstractClassTestingAspect An aspect for testing functionality related to abstract classes
BaseFunctionalityTestingAspect An aspect for testing the basic functionality of the AOP framework
ChildClassOfTargetClass01 A target class for testing the AOP framework
EntityWithOptionalConstructorArguments A target class for testing introductions
Name A simple value object class for testing the AOP framework
PointcutExpressionTestingAspect An aspect for testing different kinds of pointcut expressions
PointcutExpressionTestingTarget A target class for testing pointcut expressions
PropertyIntroductionTestingAspect An aspect for testing the basic functionality of the AOP framework
PrototypeClassG A class of scope prototype (but without explicit scope annotation)
SubClassOfAbstractClass A sub class of the abstract class
TargetClass01 A target class for testing the AOP framework
TargetClass02 A target class for testing the AOP framework
TargetClass03 A target class for testing introductions
TargetClassWithFinalModifier /* This file is part of the Neos.Flow package.
TargetClassWithPhp7Features /* This file is part of the Neos.Flow package.
TestContext A simple test context that is registered as a global AOP object


Имя Описание
Introduced01Trait A trait which is introduced into TargetClass01