PHP pQuery Пространство имен


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Имя Описание
AspEmbeddedNode Node subclass for asp tags
CSSQueryTokenizer Tokenizes a css selector query
CdataNode Node subclass for CDATA tags
CommentNode Node subclass for comments
ConditionalTagNode Node subclass for conditional tags
DoctypeNode Node subclass for doctype tags
DomNode Holds (x)html/xml tag information like tag name, attributes, parent, children, self close, etc.
EmbeddedNode Node subclass for embedded tags like xml, php and asp
Html5Parser HTML5 specific parser (adds support for omittable closing tags)
HtmlFormatter Class used to format/minify HTML nodes
HtmlParser Parses a HTML document into a HTML DOM
HtmlParserBase Parses a HTML document
HtmlSelector Performs a css select query on HTML nodes
TextNode Node subclass for text
TokenizerBase Converts a document into tokens
XML2ArrayParser Converts a XML document to an array
XmlNode Node subclass for "?" tags, like php and xml