PHP yii\base Пространство имен


Имя Описание
Arrayable Arrayable should be implemented by classes that need to be represented in array format.
BootstrapInterface BootstrapInterface is the interface that should be implemented by classes who want to participate in the application bootstrap process.


Имя Описание
Action Action is the base class for all controller action classes.
ActionEvent ActionEvent represents the event parameter used for an action event.
ActionFilter ActionFilter is the base class for action filters.
Application Application is the base class for all application classes.
Behavior Behavior is the base class for all behavior classes.
Controller Controller is the base class for classes containing controller logic.
ErrorException ErrorException represents a PHP error.
ErrorHandler ErrorHandler handles uncaught PHP errors and exceptions.
Event Event is the base class for all event classes.
Exception Exception represents a generic exception for all purposes.
ExitException ExitException represents a normal termination of an application.
InlineAction InlineAction represents an action that is defined as a controller method.
Model Model is the base class for data models.
ModelEvent ModelEvent represents the parameter needed by [[Model]] events.
Module Module is the base class for module and application classes.
Request Request represents a request that is handled by an [[Application]].
Response Response represents the response of an [[Application]] to a [[Request]].
Security Security provides a set of methods to handle common security-related tasks.
Theme Theme represents an application theme.
View View represents a view object in the MVC pattern.
ViewEvent ViewEvent represents events triggered by the [[View]] component.
Widget Widget is the base class for widgets.


Имя Описание
ArrayAccessTrait ArrayAccessTrait provides the implementation for [[\IteratorAggregate]], [[\ArrayAccess]] and [[\Countable]].
ArrayableTrait ArrayableTrait provides a common implementation of the [[Arrayable]] interface.