PHP Class Geo_MapLocationLanguage

Inheritance: extends DatabaseObject, implements IGeoMapLocationLanguage
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$m_columnNames array
$m_dbTableName string
$m_keyColumnNames array

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( IGeoMapLocation $mapLocation = NULL, integer $languageId, array $p_languageSource = NULL, $p_forceExists = false )
getContentId ( ) : integer Return the location content identifier
isEnabled ( ) : boolean Point in this language is enabled?

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( IGeoMapLocation $mapLocation = NULL, integer $languageId, array $p_languageSource = NULL, $p_forceExists = false )
$mapLocation IGeoMapLocation
$languageId integer
$p_languageSource array

getContentId() public method

Return the location content identifier
public getContentId ( ) : integer
return integer

isEnabled() public method

Point in this language is enabled?
public isEnabled ( ) : boolean
return boolean

Property Details

$m_columnNames public property

public array $m_columnNames
return array

$m_dbTableName public property

public string $m_dbTableName
return string

$m_keyColumnNames public property

public array $m_keyColumnNames
return array