PHP Class Give_Shortcode_Button, Give

Show file Open project: wordimpress/give

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$shortcodes All shortcode tags

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) Class constructor
admin_enqueue_assets ( ) : void Enqueue the admin assets
admin_localize_scripts ( ) : void Localize the admin scripts
mce_external_plugins ( array $plugin_array ) : array | boolean Register any TinyMCE plugins
shortcode_ajax ( ) : void Load the shortcode dialog fields via AJAX
shortcode_button ( ) : string Adds the "Donation Form" button above the TinyMCE Editor on add/edit screens.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Class constructor
public __construct ( )

admin_enqueue_assets() public method

Enqueue the admin assets
Since: 1.0
public admin_enqueue_assets ( ) : void
return void

admin_localize_scripts() public method

Localize the admin scripts
Since: 1.0
public admin_localize_scripts ( ) : void
return void

mce_external_plugins() public method

Register any TinyMCE plugins
Since: 1.0
public mce_external_plugins ( array $plugin_array ) : array | boolean
$plugin_array array
return array | boolean

shortcode_ajax() public method

Load the shortcode dialog fields via AJAX
Since: 1.0
public shortcode_ajax ( ) : void
return void

shortcode_button() public method

Adds the "Donation Form" button above the TinyMCE Editor on add/edit screens.
Since: 1.0
public shortcode_button ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

$shortcodes public static property

All shortcode tags
Since: 1.0
public static $shortcodes