PHP Class GravatarPlugin, vanilla

Inheritance: implements Gdn_IPlugin
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Public Methods

Method Description
generateUrl ( string $email, integer $size = 80 ) : string Generate a Gravatar image URL based on the provided email address.
profileController_afterAddSideMenu_handler ( ProfileController $sender, array $args ) Set the Gravatar image on the user's profile.

Method Details

generateUrl() public static method

Generate a Gravatar image URL based on the provided email address.
public static generateUrl ( string $email, integer $size = 80 ) : string
$email string Email address for the user, used to generate the avatar ID.
$size integer Target image size.
return string A formatted Gravatar image URL.

profileController_afterAddSideMenu_handler() public method

Set the Gravatar image on the user's profile.
public profileController_afterAddSideMenu_handler ( ProfileController $sender, array $args )
$sender ProfileController Reference to the current profile controller instance.
$args array Additional parameters for the current event.