PHP Class IMP_Smime, horde

Author: Mike Cochrane ([email protected])
Show file Open project: horde/horde Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_smime Horde_Crypt_Smime S/MIME object.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Horde_Crypt_Smime $smime ) Constructor.
addAdditionalCert ( string | array $key, boolean $signkey = false ) Adds a list of additional certs to the prefs.
addFromPKCS12 ( string $pkcs12, string $password, string $pkpass = null, boolean $signkey = false ) Stores the public/private/additional certificates in the preferences from a given PKCS 12 file.
addPersonalPrivateKey ( string | array $key, boolean $signkey = false ) Adds the personal private key to the prefs.
addPersonalPublicKey ( string | array $key, boolean $signkey = false ) Adds the personal public key to the prefs.
addPublicKey ( string $cert ) Adds a public key to an address book.
certToHTML ( string $cert ) : string Converts a PEM format certificate to readable HTML version.
checkForOpenSsl ( ) Checks for the presence of the OpenSSL extension to PHP.
decryptMessage ( string $text ) : string Decrypts a message with user's public/private keypair.
deletePersonalKeys ( boolean $signkey = false ) Deletes the specified personal keys from the prefs.
deletePublicKey ( string $email ) Deletes a public key from a user's address book(s) by e-mail.
enabled ( ) : boolean Return whether PGP support is current enabled in IMP.
encryptList ( ) : array Returns the list of available encryption options for composing.
encryptMimePart ( Horde_Mime_Part $mime_part, Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List $recip ) : Horde_Mime_Part Encrypts a MIME part using S/MIME using IMP defaults.
extractSignedContents ( string $data ) : string Extracts the contents from signed S/MIME data.
getAdditionalCert ( integer $signkey = self::KEY_PRIMARY ) : string Returns any additional certificates from the prefs.
getPassphrase ( integer $signkey = self::KEY_PRIMARY ) : mixed Returns the user's passphrase from the session cache.
getPersonalPrivateKey ( integer $signkey = self::KEY_PRIMARY ) : string Returns the personal private key from the prefs.
getPersonalPublicKey ( integer $signkey = self::KEY_PRIMARY ) : string Returns the personal public key from the prefs.
getPublicKey ( string $address ) : string Retrieves a public key by e-mail.
listPublicKeys ( ) : array Retrieves all public keys from a user's address book(s).
parseCert ( string $cert ) : array Extracts the contents of a PEM format certificate to an array.
publicKeyInfo ( string $cert ) : array Returns information about a public certificate.
signAndEncryptMimePart ( Horde_Mime_Part $mime_part, Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List $recip ) : Horde_Mime_Part Signs and encrypts a MIME part using S/MIME using IMP defaults.
signMimePart ( MIME_Part $mime_part ) : Horde_Mime_Part Signs a MIME part using S/MIME using IMP defaults.
storePassphrase ( string $passphrase, integer $signkey = self::KEY_PRIMARY ) : boolean Stores the user's passphrase in the session cache.
unsetPassphrase ( boolean $signkey = false ) Clears the passphrase from the session cache.
verifySignature ( string $text ) : stdClass Verifies a signed message with a given public key.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_encryptParameters ( Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List $addr ) : array Returns the params needed to encrypt a message being sent to the specified email address(es).
_signParameters ( ) : array Returns the parameters needed for signing a message.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Horde_Crypt_Smime $smime )
$smime Horde_Crypt_Smime

_encryptParameters() protected method

Returns the params needed to encrypt a message being sent to the specified email address(es).
protected _encryptParameters ( Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List $addr ) : array
$addr Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List The recipient addresses.
return array The list of parameters needed by encrypt().

_signParameters() protected method

Returns the parameters needed for signing a message.
protected _signParameters ( ) : array
return array The list of parameters needed by encrypt().

addAdditionalCert() public method

Adds a list of additional certs to the prefs.
public addAdditionalCert ( string | array $key, boolean $signkey = false )
$key string | array The additional certifcate(s) to add.
$signkey boolean Is this the secondary key for signing?

addFromPKCS12() public method

Stores the public/private/additional certificates in the preferences from a given PKCS 12 file.
public addFromPKCS12 ( string $pkcs12, string $password, string $pkpass = null, boolean $signkey = false )
$pkcs12 string The PKCS 12 data.
$password string The password of the PKCS 12 file.
$pkpass string The password to use to encrypt the private key.
$signkey boolean Is this the secondary key for signing?

addPersonalPrivateKey() public method

Adds the personal private key to the prefs.
public addPersonalPrivateKey ( string | array $key, boolean $signkey = false )
$key string | array The private key to add.
$signkey boolean Is this the secondary key for signing?

addPersonalPublicKey() public method

Adds the personal public key to the prefs.
public addPersonalPublicKey ( string | array $key, boolean $signkey = false )
$key string | array The public key to add.
$signkey boolean Is this the secondary key for signing?

addPublicKey() public method

Adds a public key to an address book.
public addPublicKey ( string $cert )
$cert string A public certificate to add.

certToHTML() public method

Converts a PEM format certificate to readable HTML version.
public certToHTML ( string $cert ) : string
$cert string PEM format certificate.
return string HTML detailing the certificate.

checkForOpenSsl() public method

Checks for the presence of the OpenSSL extension to PHP.
public checkForOpenSsl ( )

decryptMessage() public method

Decrypts a message with user's public/private keypair.
public decryptMessage ( string $text ) : string
$text string The text to decrypt.
return string See Horde_Crypt_Smime::decrypt().

deletePersonalKeys() public method

Deletes the specified personal keys from the prefs.
public deletePersonalKeys ( boolean $signkey = false )
$signkey boolean Return the secondary key for signing?

deletePublicKey() public method

Deletes a public key from a user's address book(s) by e-mail.
public deletePublicKey ( string $email )
$email string The e-mail address to delete.

enabled() public static method

Return whether PGP support is current enabled in IMP.
public static enabled ( ) : boolean
return boolean True if PGP support is enabled.

encryptList() public method

Returns the list of available encryption options for composing.
public encryptList ( ) : array
return array Keys are encryption type constants, values are gettext strings describing the encryption type.

encryptMimePart() public method

Encrypts a MIME part using S/MIME using IMP defaults.
public encryptMimePart ( Horde_Mime_Part $mime_part, Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List $recip ) : Horde_Mime_Part
$mime_part Horde_Mime_Part The object to encrypt.
$recip Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List The recipient address(es).
return Horde_Mime_Part See Horde_Crypt_Smime::encryptMIMEPart().

extractSignedContents() public method

Extracts the contents from signed S/MIME data.
public extractSignedContents ( string $data ) : string
$data string The signed S/MIME data.
return string The contents embedded in the signed data.

getAdditionalCert() public method

Returns any additional certificates from the prefs.
public getAdditionalCert ( integer $signkey = self::KEY_PRIMARY ) : string
$signkey integer One of the IMP_Sime::KEY_* constants.
return string Additional signing certs for inclusion.

getPassphrase() public method

Returns the user's passphrase from the session cache.
public getPassphrase ( integer $signkey = self::KEY_PRIMARY ) : mixed
$signkey integer One of the IMP_Sime::KEY_* constants.
return mixed The passphrase, if set. Returns false if the passphrase has not been loaded yet. Returns null if no passphrase is needed.

getPersonalPrivateKey() public method

Returns the personal private key from the prefs.
public getPersonalPrivateKey ( integer $signkey = self::KEY_PRIMARY ) : string
$signkey integer One of the IMP_Sime::KEY_* constants.
return string The personal S/MIME private key.

getPersonalPublicKey() public method

Returns the personal public key from the prefs.
public getPersonalPublicKey ( integer $signkey = self::KEY_PRIMARY ) : string
$signkey integer One of the IMP_Sime::KEY_* constants.
return string The personal S/MIME public key.

getPublicKey() public method

The key will be retrieved from a user's address book(s).
public getPublicKey ( string $address ) : string
$address string The e-mail address to search for.
return string The S/MIME public key requested.

listPublicKeys() public method

Retrieves all public keys from a user's address book(s).
public listPublicKeys ( ) : array
return array All S/MIME public keys available.

parseCert() public method

Extracts the contents of a PEM format certificate to an array.
public parseCert ( string $cert ) : array
$cert string PEM format certificate.
return array All extractable information about the certificate.

publicKeyInfo() public method

Returns information about a public certificate.
public publicKeyInfo ( string $cert ) : array
$cert string The public certificate.
return array Two element array: the name and e-mail for the cert.

signAndEncryptMimePart() public method

Signs and encrypts a MIME part using S/MIME using IMP defaults.
public signAndEncryptMimePart ( Horde_Mime_Part $mime_part, Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List $recip ) : Horde_Mime_Part
$mime_part Horde_Mime_Part The object to sign and encrypt.
$recip Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List The recipient address(es).
return Horde_Mime_Part See Horde_Crypt_Smime::signAndencryptMIMEPart().

signMimePart() public method

Signs a MIME part using S/MIME using IMP defaults.
public signMimePart ( MIME_Part $mime_part ) : Horde_Mime_Part
$mime_part MIME_Part The MIME_Part object to sign.
return Horde_Mime_Part See Horde_Crypt_Smime::signMIMEPart().

storePassphrase() public method

Stores the user's passphrase in the session cache.
public storePassphrase ( string $passphrase, integer $signkey = self::KEY_PRIMARY ) : boolean
$passphrase string The user's passphrase.
$signkey integer One of the IMP_Sime::KEY_* constants.
return boolean Returns true if correct passphrase, false if incorrect.

unsetPassphrase() public method

Clears the passphrase from the session cache.
public unsetPassphrase ( boolean $signkey = false )
$signkey boolean Is this the secondary key for signing?

verifySignature() public method

Verifies a signed message with a given public key.
public verifySignature ( string $text ) : stdClass
$text string The text to verify.
return stdClass See Horde_Crypt_Smime::verify().

Property Details

$_smime protected property

S/MIME object.
protected Horde_Crypt_Smime $_smime
return Horde_Crypt_Smime