PHP Class Ingo_Rule_System_Vacation, horde

Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Ingo_Rule_Addresses, implements Ingo_Rule_System
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_days integer Number of vacation days.
$_end integer End date.
$_exclude array Vacation address exclusions.
$_ignoreList boolean Ignore list messages?
$_reason string Reason.
$_start integer Start date.
$_subject string Subject of outgoing message.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) Constructor.
__get ( $name )
__set ( $name, $data )
vacationReason ( string $reason, integer $start, integer $end ) : string Returns the vacation reason with all placeholder replaced.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( )

__get() public method

public __get ( $name )

__set() public method

public __set ( $name, $data )

vacationReason() public static method

Returns the vacation reason with all placeholder replaced.
public static vacationReason ( string $reason, integer $start, integer $end ) : string
$reason string The vacation reason including placeholders.
$start integer The vacation start timestamp.
$end integer The vacation end timestamp.
return string The vacation reason suitable for usage in the filter scripts.

Property Details

$_days protected property

Number of vacation days.
protected int $_days
return integer

$_end protected property

End date.
protected int $_end
return integer

$_exclude protected property

Vacation address exclusions.
protected array $_exclude
return array

$_ignoreList protected property

Ignore list messages?
protected bool $_ignoreList
return boolean

$_reason protected property

protected string $_reason
return string

$_start protected property

Start date.
protected int $_start
return integer

$_subject protected property

Subject of outgoing message.
protected string $_subject
return string