PHP Class Papi_Core_Box, papi

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$capabilities array Capabilities list.
$context string Context.
$display boolean Display box.
$id string The core type identifier.
$layout string Possible values are: - horizontal - vertical
$priority string Priority.
$properties array Box properties.
$site_id integer Site id.
$sort_order integer The sort order of the core box.
$title string The title of the box.

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$options array Custom box options.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $args = [], array $properties = [] ) The constructor.
__toString ( ) : string Get a string representation of the object.
get_option ( string $key ) : mixed Get box option.
set_option ( string $key, mixed $value ) Set box option.

Protected Methods

Method Description
setup_args ( array $args ) Setup arguments.
setup_properties ( array $properties ) Setup properties.

Method Details

__construct() public method

The constructor.
public __construct ( array $args = [], array $properties = [] )
$args array
$properties array

__toString() public method

Get a string representation of the object.
public __toString ( ) : string
return string

get_option() public method

Get box option.
public get_option ( string $key ) : mixed
$key string
return mixed

set_option() public method

Set box option.
public set_option ( string $key, mixed $value )
$key string
$value mixed

setup_args() protected method

Setup arguments.
protected setup_args ( array $args )
$args array

setup_properties() protected method

Setup properties.
protected setup_properties ( array $properties )
$properties array

Property Details

$capabilities public property

Capabilities list.
public array $capabilities
return array

$context public property

public string $context
return string

$display public property

Display box.
public bool $display
return boolean

$id public property

The core type identifier.
public string $id
return string

$layout public property

Possible values are: - horizontal - vertical
public string $layout
return string

$options protected property

Custom box options.
protected array $options
return array

$priority public property

public string $priority
return string

$properties public property

Box properties.
public array $properties
return array

$site_id public property

Site id.
public int $site_id
return integer

$sort_order public property

The sort order of the core box.
public int $sort_order
return integer

$title public property

The title of the box.
public string $title
return string