PHP Class Papi_Property_User, papi

Inheritance: extends Papi_Property_Dropdown
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$convert_type string The convert type.

Public Methods

Method Description
format_value ( mixed $value, string $slug, integer $post_id ) : null | WP_User Format the value of the property before it's returned to WordPress admin or the site.
get_default_settings ( ) : array Get default settings.
get_items ( ) : array Get users as dropdown items.
get_value ( ) : integer Get value from database.
import_value ( mixed $value, string $slug, integer $post_id ) : integer | null Import value to the property.
load_value ( mixed $value, string $slug, integer $post_id ) : integer Change value after it's loaded from the database.
update_value ( mixed $value, string $slug, integer $post_id ) : integer Update value before it's saved to the database.

Method Details

format_value() public method

Format the value of the property before it's returned to WordPress admin or the site.
public format_value ( mixed $value, string $slug, integer $post_id ) : null | WP_User
$value mixed
$slug string
$post_id integer
return null | WP_User

get_default_settings() public method

Get default settings.
public get_default_settings ( ) : array
return array

get_items() public method

Get users as dropdown items.
public get_items ( ) : array
return array

get_value() public method

Get value from database.
public get_value ( ) : integer
return integer

import_value() public method

Import value to the property.
public import_value ( mixed $value, string $slug, integer $post_id ) : integer | null
$value mixed
$slug string
$post_id integer
return integer | null

load_value() public method

Change value after it's loaded from the database.
public load_value ( mixed $value, string $slug, integer $post_id ) : integer
$value mixed
$slug string
$post_id integer
return integer

update_value() public method

Update value before it's saved to the database.
public update_value ( mixed $value, string $slug, integer $post_id ) : integer
$value mixed
$slug string
$post_id integer
return integer

Property Details

$convert_type public property

The convert type.
public string $convert_type
return string