PHP Class Phergie_Plugin_Tld, phergie

Author: Phergie Development Team ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Phergie_Plugin_Abstract
Show file Open project: phergie/phergie

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$db PDO Connection to the database
$select PDOStatement Prepared statement for selecting a single TLD
$selectAll PDOStatement Prepared statement for selecting all TLDs

Public Methods

Method Description
getTld ( string $tld ) : mixed Retrieves the definition for a given TLD if it exists
getTlds ( ) : mixed Retrieves a list of all the TLDs and their definitions
onCommandTld ( string $tld ) : null takes a tld in the format '.tld' and returns its related data
onLoad ( ) : void Checks for dependencies and sets up the database and hard-coded values.

Method Details

getTld() public method

Retrieves the definition for a given TLD if it exists
public getTld ( string $tld ) : mixed
$tld string TLD to search for
return mixed Definition of the given TLD as a string or false if unknown

getTlds() public method

Retrieves a list of all the TLDs and their definitions
public getTlds ( ) : mixed
return mixed Array of all the TLDs and their definitions or FALSE on failure

onCommandTld() public method

takes a tld in the format '.tld' and returns its related data
public onCommandTld ( string $tld ) : null
$tld string tld to process
return null

onLoad() public method

Checks for dependencies and sets up the database and hard-coded values.
public onLoad ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

$db protected property

Connection to the database
protected PDO $db
return PDO

$select protected property

Prepared statement for selecting a single TLD
protected PDOStatement $select
return PDOStatement

$selectAll protected property

Prepared statement for selecting all TLDs
protected PDOStatement $selectAll
return PDOStatement