PHP Class PodsField_WYSIWYG, pods

Inheritance: extends PodsField
Show file Open project: pods-framework/pods

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$group string Field Type Group
$label string Field Type Label
$prepare string Field Type Preparation
$type string Field Type Identifier

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) Do things like register/enqueue scripts and stylesheets
display ( mixed $value = null, string $name = null, array $options = null, array $pod = null, integer $id = null ) Change the way the value of the field is displayed with Pods::get
input ( string $name, mixed $value = null, array $options = null, array $pod = null, integer $id = null ) Customize output of the form field
options ( ) : array Add options and set defaults to
pre_save ( mixed $value, integer $id = null, string $name = null, array $options = null, array $fields = null, array $pod = null, object $params = null ) Change the value or perform actions after validation but before saving to the DB
schema ( array $options = null ) : string Define the current field's schema for DB table storage
strip_html ( string $value, array $options = null ) : string Strip HTML based on options
ui ( integer $id, mixed $value, string $name = null, array $options = null, array $fields = null, array $pod = null ) Customize the Pods UI manage table column output

Method Details

__construct() public method

Do things like register/enqueue scripts and stylesheets
Since: 2.0
public __construct ( )

display() public method

Change the way the value of the field is displayed with Pods::get
Since: 2.0
public display ( mixed $value = null, string $name = null, array $options = null, array $pod = null, integer $id = null )
$value mixed
$name string
$options array
$pod array
$id integer

input() public method

Customize output of the form field
Since: 2.0
public input ( string $name, mixed $value = null, array $options = null, array $pod = null, integer $id = null )
$name string
$value mixed
$options array
$pod array
$id integer

options() public method

Add options and set defaults to
Since: 2.0
public options ( ) : array
return array

pre_save() public method

Change the value or perform actions after validation but before saving to the DB
Since: 2.0
public pre_save ( mixed $value, integer $id = null, string $name = null, array $options = null, array $fields = null, array $pod = null, object $params = null )
$value mixed
$id integer
$name string
$options array
$fields array
$pod array
$params object

schema() public method

Define the current field's schema for DB table storage
Since: 2.0
public schema ( array $options = null ) : string
$options array
return string

strip_html() public method

Strip HTML based on options
public strip_html ( string $value, array $options = null ) : string
$value string
$options array
return string

ui() public method

Customize the Pods UI manage table column output
Since: 2.0
public ui ( integer $id, mixed $value, string $name = null, array $options = null, array $fields = null, array $pod = null )
$id integer
$value mixed
$name string
$options array
$fields array
$pod array

Property Details

$group public static property

Field Type Group
Since: 2.0
public static string $group
return string

$label public static property

Field Type Label
Since: 2.0
public static string $label
return string

$prepare public static property

Field Type Preparation
Since: 2.0
public static string $prepare
return string

$type public static property

Field Type Identifier
Since: 2.0
public static string $type
return string