PHP Class ProxiBlue_NewRelic_Helper_Data, NewRelic

Author: Lucas van Staden ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract
Show file Open project: proxiblue/newrelic

Public Methods

Method Description
cleanIgnoreList ( array &$item, string $key ) Reformat the config array
customMetric ( $name, $value )
ignoreMessage ( string $message, string $type ) : boolean Test if a message should be ignored
ignoreModule ( $module ) : boolean Test if a message should be ignored
is_enabled ( )
setAppName ( $xmit = true ) Helper function to set the application name used to report
testApiKey ( string $apiKey ) : boolean Test the given API key is correct

Private Methods

Method Description
ignoreInString ( string $message, array $ignores ) : boolean Check if any of the strings are in the message

Method Details

cleanIgnoreList() public method

Reformat the config array
public cleanIgnoreList ( array &$item, string $key )
$item array
$key string

customMetric() public method

public customMetric ( $name, $value )

ignoreMessage() public method

Test if a message should be ignored
public ignoreMessage ( string $message, string $type ) : boolean
$message string
$type string
return boolean

ignoreModule() public method

Test if a message should be ignored
public ignoreModule ( $module ) : boolean
return boolean

is_enabled() public method

public is_enabled ( )

setAppName() public method

Helper function to set the application name used to report
public setAppName ( $xmit = true )

testApiKey() public method

Test the given API key is correct
public testApiKey ( string $apiKey ) : boolean
$apiKey string
return boolean