PHP Class SimplePie_XML_Declaration_Parser, ojs

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$data string Input data
$data_length integer Input data length (to avoid calling strlen() every time this is needed)
$encoding string Encoding
$position integer Current position of the pointer
$standalone boolean Standalone
$state string Current state of the state machine
$version string XML Version

Public Methods

Method Description
SimplePie_XML_Declaration_Parser ( string $data ) Create an instance of the class with the input data
before_version_name ( )
encoding_equals ( )
encoding_name ( )
encoding_value ( )
get_value ( ) Read value
has_data ( ) : boolean Check whether there is data beyond the pointer
parse ( ) : boolean Parse the input data
skip_whitespace ( ) : integer Advance past any whitespace
standalone_equals ( )
standalone_name ( )
standalone_value ( )
version_equals ( )
version_name ( )
version_value ( )

Method Details

SimplePie_XML_Declaration_Parser() public method

Create an instance of the class with the input data
public SimplePie_XML_Declaration_Parser ( string $data )
$data string Input data

before_version_name() public method

public before_version_name ( )

encoding_equals() public method

public encoding_equals ( )

encoding_name() public method

public encoding_name ( )

encoding_value() public method

public encoding_value ( )

get_value() public method

Read value
public get_value ( )

has_data() public method

Check whether there is data beyond the pointer
public has_data ( ) : boolean
return boolean true if there is further data, false if not

parse() public method

Parse the input data
public parse ( ) : boolean
return boolean true on success, false on failure

skip_whitespace() public method

Advance past any whitespace
public skip_whitespace ( ) : integer
return integer Number of whitespace characters passed

standalone_equals() public method

public standalone_equals ( )

standalone_name() public method

public standalone_name ( )

standalone_value() public method

public standalone_value ( )

version_equals() public method

public version_equals ( )

version_name() public method

public version_name ( )

version_value() public method

public version_value ( )

Property Details

$data public property

Input data
public string $data
return string

$data_length public property

Input data length (to avoid calling strlen() every time this is needed)
public int $data_length
return integer

$encoding public property

public string $encoding
return string

$position public property

Current position of the pointer
public int $position
return integer

$standalone public property

public bool $standalone
return boolean

$state public property

Current state of the state machine
public string $state
return string

$version public property

XML Version
public string $version
return string