PHP Class clsCometStreaming

Inheritance: extends xajaxResponsePlugin
Show file Open project: xajax/xajax

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$bInlineScript Used to store the value of the inlineScript configuration option. When true, the plugin will return it's javascript code as part of the javascript header for the page, else, it will generate a script tag referencing the file by using the sJavascriptURI>.
$sDefer Used to store the state of the scriptDeferral configuration setting. When script deferral is desired, this member contains 'defer' which will request that the browser defer loading of the javascript until the rest of the page has been loaded.
$sJavascriptURI Used to store the base URI for where the javascript files are located. This enables the plugin to generate a script reference to it's javascript file if the javascript code is NOT inlined.

Public Methods

Method Description
clsCometStreaming ( ) * Function: clsTableUpdater
configure ( $sName, $mValue ) * Function: configure
generateClientScript ( ) * Function: generateClientScript Called by the during the script generation phase.

Method Details

clsCometStreaming() public method

Constructs and initializes an instance of the table updater class.
public clsCometStreaming ( )

configure() public method

Receives configuration settings set by or user script calls to configure>. sName - (string): The name of the configuration option being set. mValue - (mixed): The value being associated with the configuration option.
public configure ( $sName, $mValue )

generateClientScript() public method

* Function: generateClientScript Called by the during the script generation phase.

Property Details

$bInlineScript public property

Used to store the value of the inlineScript configuration option. When true, the plugin will return it's javascript code as part of the javascript header for the page, else, it will generate a script tag referencing the file by using the sJavascriptURI>.
public $bInlineScript

$fTimeOut public property

public $fTimeOut

$sDefer public property

Used to store the state of the scriptDeferral configuration setting. When script deferral is desired, this member contains 'defer' which will request that the browser defer loading of the javascript until the rest of the page has been loaded.
public $sDefer

$sJavascriptURI public property

Used to store the base URI for where the javascript files are located. This enables the plugin to generate a script reference to it's javascript file if the javascript code is NOT inlined.
public $sJavascriptURI