PHP Class Airbrake\Configuration

Loads via the inherited Record class methods.
Author: Drew Butler ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends airbrake\Record
Show file Open project: dbtlr/php-airbrake Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$dataStore array
$parameterFilters array

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $apiKey, array | stdClass $data = [] ) Load the given data array to the record.
addFilter ( string | Airbrake\Filter\FilterInterface $keyName ) : self Adds an entry to a black list of GET/POST parameter key names which should not be sent to the Airbrake server. This should be used to prevent sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card details from leaving your application server via error logging.
addFilters ( array $keyNames ) : Configuration Adds an array of entries to a black list of GET/POST parameter key names which should not be sent to the Airbrake server. This should be used to prevent sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card details from leaving your application server via error logging.
clearFilters ( ) : Configuration Clears the GET/POST request key name black list.
getParameters ( ) : array Get the combined server parameters. Note that these parameters will be filtered according to a black list of key names to ignore. If you wish to get the unfiltered results you should use the getUnfilteredParameters method instead.
getUnfilteredParameters ( ) : array Get the combined server parameters without applying the registered filters
verify ( ) Verify that the configuration is complete.

Protected Methods

Method Description
initialize ( ) Initialize the data source.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Load the given data array to the record.
public __construct ( string $apiKey, array | stdClass $data = [] )
$apiKey string
$data array | stdClass

addFilter() public method

Nested keys are treated like html form names - e.g. the key name my_form[id] would stop the value inside $_POST['my_form']['id'] from being sent.
public addFilter ( string | Airbrake\Filter\FilterInterface $keyName ) : self
$keyName string | Airbrake\Filter\FilterInterface
return self

addFilters() public method

Nested keys are treated like html form names - e.g. the key name my_form[id] would stop the value inside $_POST['my_form']['id'] from being sent.
public addFilters ( array $keyNames ) : Configuration
$keyNames array
return Configuration

clearFilters() public method

Clears the GET/POST request key name black list.
public clearFilters ( ) : Configuration
return Configuration

getParameters() public method

Get the combined server parameters. Note that these parameters will be filtered according to a black list of key names to ignore. If you wish to get the unfiltered results you should use the getUnfilteredParameters method instead.
public getParameters ( ) : array
return array

getUnfilteredParameters() public method

Get the combined server parameters without applying the registered filters
public getUnfilteredParameters ( ) : array
return array

initialize() protected method

Initialize the data source.
protected initialize ( )

verify() public method

Verify that the configuration is complete.
public verify ( )

Property Details

$dataStore protected property

protected array $dataStore
return array

$parameterFilters protected property

protected array $parameterFilters
return array