PHP Class Airship\Engine\Security\Filter\InputFilter

Inheritance: implements Airship\Engine\Contract\Security\FilterInterface
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$callbacks callable[]
$default mixed
$index (for debugging purposes)
$type string

Public Methods

Method Description
addCallback ( callable $func ) : Airship\Engine\Contract\Security\FilterInterface Add a callback to this filter (supports more than one)
applyCallbacks ( mixed $data = null, integer $offset ) : mixed Apply all of the callbacks for this filter.
process ( mixed $data = null ) : mixed Process data using the filter rules.
setDefault ( mixed $value ) : Airship\Engine\Contract\Security\FilterInterface Set the default value (not applicable to booleans)
setIndex ( string $index ) : Airship\Engine\Contract\Security\FilterInterface
setType ( string $typeIndicator ) : Airship\Engine\Contract\Security\FilterInterface Sets the expected input type (e.g. string, boolean)

Method Details

addCallback() public method

Add a callback to this filter (supports more than one)
public addCallback ( callable $func ) : Airship\Engine\Contract\Security\FilterInterface
$func callable
return Airship\Engine\Contract\Security\FilterInterface

applyCallbacks() public method

Apply all of the callbacks for this filter.
public applyCallbacks ( mixed $data = null, integer $offset ) : mixed
$data mixed
$offset integer
return mixed

process() public method

Process data using the filter rules.
public process ( mixed $data = null ) : mixed
$data mixed
return mixed

setDefault() public method

Set the default value (not applicable to booleans)
public setDefault ( mixed $value ) : Airship\Engine\Contract\Security\FilterInterface
$value mixed
return Airship\Engine\Contract\Security\FilterInterface

setIndex() public method

public setIndex ( string $index ) : Airship\Engine\Contract\Security\FilterInterface
$index string
return Airship\Engine\Contract\Security\FilterInterface

setType() public method

Sets the expected input type (e.g. string, boolean)
public setType ( string $typeIndicator ) : Airship\Engine\Contract\Security\FilterInterface
$typeIndicator string
return Airship\Engine\Contract\Security\FilterInterface

Property Details

$callbacks protected property

protected callable[] $callbacks
return callable[]

$default protected property

protected mixed $default
return mixed

$index protected property

(for debugging purposes)
protected $index

$type protected property

protected string $type
return string