PHP Class Airship\Hangar\Commands\Assemble

Inheritance: extends Airship\Hangar\SessionCommand
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$description string
$display integer
$essential boolean
$name string
$pharAlias string
$pharStub string
$pharname File name of the output PHP archive

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$metadata array

Public Methods

Method Description
fire ( array $args = [] ) : boolean Execute the assemble command
getGitCommitHash ( ) : string Grab the git commit hash

Protected Methods

Method Description
addautoRun ( array $run, string $workspace, string $file ) : boolean Add an autoRun entry.
buildPhar ( string $workspace, array $args = [] ) : boolean Build the Phar
cleanupWorkspace ( string $dir ) : boolean Recursively delete an entire directory
copyFile ( string $from, string $to, string $filename ) : boolean Copy a file from one directory to another, ensuring that the destination directory exists.
createWorkspace ( ) : string Create a random workspace directory
getMetadata ( ) : string
getRawMetadata ( ) : array
setupFiles ( string $workspace, array $args = [] ) Place all the files in a workspace directory to prepare for Phar assembly.

Method Details

addautoRun() protected method

Add an autoRun entry.
protected addautoRun ( array $run, string $workspace, string $file ) : boolean
$run array
$workspace string
$file string
return boolean

buildPhar() protected method

Build the Phar
protected buildPhar ( string $workspace, array $args = [] ) : boolean
$workspace string
$args array
return boolean

cleanupWorkspace() protected method

Recursively delete an entire directory
protected cleanupWorkspace ( string $dir ) : boolean
$dir string
return boolean

copyFile() protected method

Copy a file from one directory to another, ensuring that the destination directory exists.
protected copyFile ( string $from, string $to, string $filename ) : boolean
$from string
$to string
$filename string
return boolean

createWorkspace() protected method

Create a random workspace directory
protected createWorkspace ( ) : string
return string

fire() public method

Execute the assemble command
public fire ( array $args = [] ) : boolean
$args array
return boolean

getGitCommitHash() public method

Grab the git commit hash
public getGitCommitHash ( ) : string
return string

getMetadata() protected method

protected getMetadata ( ) : string
return string

getRawMetadata() protected method

protected getRawMetadata ( ) : array
return array

setupFiles() protected method

Place all the files in a workspace directory to prepare for Phar assembly.
protected setupFiles ( string $workspace, array $args = [] )
$workspace string
$args array

Property Details

$description public property

public string $description
return string

$display public property

public int $display
return integer

$essential public property

public bool $essential
return boolean

$metadata protected property

protected array $metadata
return array

$name public property

public string $name
return string

$pharAlias public property

public string $pharAlias
return string

$pharStub public property

public string $pharStub
return string

$pharname public property

File name of the output PHP archive
public $pharname