PHP Class Airship\Hangar\Commands\Help

Inheritance: extends Airship\Hangar\Command
Show file Open project: paragonie/airship Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$description string
$display integer
$essential boolean
$name string
$showAll boolean

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $commands = [] ) Preamble before firing is done here
fire ( array $args = [] ) : boolean Execute the help command
helpMenu ( ) : void Display the main help menu
sortCommands ( array $a, array $b ) : integer Used for uasort() calls in this class
usageInfo ( array $args = [] ) : void Display the usage information for this command.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Preamble before firing is done here
public __construct ( array $commands = [] )
$commands array

fire() public method

Execute the help command
public fire ( array $args = [] ) : boolean
$args array - CLI arguments
return boolean

helpMenu() public method

Display the main help menu
public helpMenu ( ) : void
return void

sortCommands() public method

Used for uasort() calls in this class
public sortCommands ( array $a, array $b ) : integer
$a array
$b array
return integer

usageInfo() public method

Display the usage information for this command.
public usageInfo ( array $args = [] ) : void
$args array - CLI arguments
return void

Property Details

$description public property

public string $description
return string

$display public property

public int $display
return integer

$essential public property

public bool $essential
return boolean

$name public property

public string $name
return string

$showAll public property

public bool $showAll
return boolean