PHP Class App\Repositories\Eloquent\EventRepositoryEloquent

Inheritance: extends Prettus\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository, implements App\Contracts\Repositories\EventRepository
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Public Methods

Method Description
boot ( ) Boot up the repository, pushing criteria
destroy ( $id ) : mixed
getFields ( )
getFormFields ( integer $id ) : array Execute the job.
model ( ) : string Specify Model class name

Protected Methods

Method Description
fieldsFromModel ( integer $id, array $fields ) : array Return the field values from the model

Method Details

boot() public method

Boot up the repository, pushing criteria
public boot ( )

destroy() public method

public destroy ( $id ) : mixed
return mixed

fieldsFromModel() protected method

Return the field values from the model
protected fieldsFromModel ( integer $id, array $fields ) : array
$id integer
$fields array
return array

getFields() public method

public getFields ( )

getFormFields() public method

Execute the job.
public getFormFields ( integer $id ) : array
$id integer
return array of fieldnames => values

model() public method

Specify Model class name
public model ( ) : string
return string