PHP Class AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\ClassLoaderNode

Inheritance: extends AppserverIo\Description\Api\Node\AbstractNode, implements AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\ClassLoaderNodeInterface, use trait ParamsNodeTrait, use trait AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\DirectoriesNodeTrait, use trait AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\NamespacesNodeTrait
Show file Open project: appserver-io/appserver

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$factory string The class loaders factory class name.
$interface string The interface name the class loader has.
$name string The unique class loader name.
$type string The class loaders class name.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $name = '', string $interface = '', string $type = '', string $factory = '', array $params = [], array $directories = [], array $namespaces = [] ) Initializes the class loader configuration with the passed values.
getEnforcementLevel ( ) : integer The Doppelgaenger enforcement level to use.
getEnvironment ( ) : string The environment to use, can be one of 'development' or 'production'.
getFactory ( ) : string Returns the factory class name.
getInterface ( ) : string Returns interface name the class loader has.
getName ( ) : string Returns the class loader name.
getPrimaryKey ( ) : string Returns the nodes primary key, the name by default.
getProcessing ( ) : string The processing level to use, can be one of 'exception' or 'logging'.
getType ( ) : string Returns the class loader type.
getTypeSafety ( ) : boolean Flag that shows Doppelgaenger type safety is activated.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Initializes the class loader configuration with the passed values.
public __construct ( string $name = '', string $interface = '', string $type = '', string $factory = '', array $params = [], array $directories = [], array $namespaces = [] )
$name string The unique class loader name
$interface string The interface name the class loader has
$type string The class loaders class name
$factory string The class loaders factory class name
$params array The class loaders params
$directories array The class loaders directory to load classes from
$namespaces array The class loaders namespaces for classes to be handled

getEnforcementLevel() public method

The Doppelgaenger enforcement level to use.
public getEnforcementLevel ( ) : integer
return integer The enforcement level

getEnvironment() public method

The environment to use, can be one of 'development' or 'production'.
public getEnvironment ( ) : string
return string The configured environment

getFactory() public method

Returns the factory class name.
public getFactory ( ) : string
return string The factory class name

getInterface() public method

Returns interface name the class loader has.
public getInterface ( ) : string
return string The interface name the class loader has

getName() public method

Returns the class loader name.
public getName ( ) : string
return string The unique class loader name

getPrimaryKey() public method

Returns the nodes primary key, the name by default.
See also: AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\AbstractNode::getPrimaryKey()
public getPrimaryKey ( ) : string
return string The nodes primary key

getProcessing() public method

The processing level to use, can be one of 'exception' or 'logging'.
public getProcessing ( ) : string
return string The processing level

getType() public method

Returns the class loader type.
public getType ( ) : string
return string The class name

getTypeSafety() public method

Flag that shows Doppelgaenger type safety is activated.
public getTypeSafety ( ) : boolean
return boolean TRUE if Doppelgaenger type safety is enabled, else FALSE

Property Details

$factory protected property

The class loaders factory class name.
protected string $factory
return string

$interface protected property

The interface name the class loader has.
protected string $interface
return string

$name protected property

The unique class loader name.
protected string $name
return string

$type protected property

The class loaders class name.
protected string $type
return string