PHP Class AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\DirectoryNode

Inheritance: extends AppserverIo\Description\Api\Node\AbstractValueNode, implements AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\DirectoryNodeInterface
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$enforced string The flag to enforce design-by-contract type checking on classes of this directory.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( AppserverIo\Configuration\Interfaces\ValueInterface $nodeValue = null, string $enforced = false ) Initializes the directory node with the necessary data.
isEnforced ( ) : boolean Returns the enforcement flag.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Initializes the directory node with the necessary data.
public __construct ( AppserverIo\Configuration\Interfaces\ValueInterface $nodeValue = null, string $enforced = false )
$nodeValue AppserverIo\Configuration\Interfaces\ValueInterface The node value
$enforced string The enforcement flag

isEnforced() public method

Returns the enforcement flag.
public isEnforced ( ) : boolean
return boolean The enforcement flag

Property Details

$enforced protected property

The flag to enforce design-by-contract type checking on classes of this directory.
protected string $enforced
return string