PHP Class AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\InitialContextNode

Inheritance: extends AppserverIo\Description\Api\Node\AbstractNode
Show file Open project: appserver-io/appserver

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$description DescriptionNode Description for the initial context configuration.
$storage StorageNode Node containing information about the storage implementation used by the inital context.
$type string The initial context's class name.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $type = '', DescriptionNode $description = null, StorageNode $storage = null ) Initializes the initial context node with the necessary data.
getDescription ( ) : DescriptionNode Returns the initial context description.
getPrimaryKey ( ) : string Returns the nodes primary key, the name by default.
getStorage ( ) : StorageNode Returns the storage configuration information.
getType ( ) : string Returns information about the initial context's class name.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Initializes the initial context node with the necessary data.
public __construct ( string $type = '', DescriptionNode $description = null, StorageNode $storage = null )
$type string The initial context type
$description DescriptionNode A short description
$storage StorageNode The default storage configuration

getDescription() public method

Returns the initial context description.
public getDescription ( ) : DescriptionNode
return DescriptionNode The initial context description

getPrimaryKey() public method

Returns the nodes primary key, the name by default.
See also: AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\AbstractNode::getPrimaryKey()
public getPrimaryKey ( ) : string
return string The nodes primary key

getStorage() public method

Returns the storage configuration information.
public getStorage ( ) : StorageNode
return StorageNode The node with the storage information

getType() public method

Returns information about the initial context's class name.
public getType ( ) : string
return string The initial context's class name

Property Details

$description protected property

Description for the initial context configuration.
protected DescriptionNode,AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node $description
return DescriptionNode

$storage protected property

Node containing information about the storage implementation used by the inital context.
protected StorageNode,AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node $storage
return StorageNode

$type protected property

The initial context's class name.
protected string $type
return string