PHP Class AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\StorageServerNode

Inheritance: extends AppserverIo\Description\Api\Node\AbstractNode
Show file Open project: appserver-io/appserver

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$address string The server's IP address.
$port integer The server's port.
$weight integer The server's weight.

Public Methods

Method Description
getAddress ( ) : string Returns the IP address the server listens to.
getPort ( ) : string Returns the port the server listens to.
getWeight ( ) : integer Returns weight the server has in the storage cluster.

Method Details

getAddress() public method

Returns the IP address the server listens to.
public getAddress ( ) : string
return string the IP address the server listens to

getPort() public method

Returns the port the server listens to.
public getPort ( ) : string
return string the port the server listens to

getWeight() public method

Returns weight the server has in the storage cluster.
public getWeight ( ) : integer
return integer The weight the server has in the storage cluster

Property Details

$address protected property

The server's IP address.
protected string $address
return string

$port protected property

The server's port.
protected int $port
return integer

$weight protected property

The server's weight.
protected int $weight
return integer