PHP Class AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\WebAppNode

Inheritance: extends AppserverIo\Description\Api\Node\AbstractNode, implements AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\WebAppNodeInterface
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$contextParams array The initialization parameter of the web application.
$description DescriptionNode The description of the web application.
$displayName DisplayNameNode The display name information of the web application.
$errorPages array The error page informations.
$loginConfig array The login configuration informations.
$securities array The security informations (old format).
$securityConstraints array The security constraint informations.
$securityRoles array The security role informations.
$servletMappings array The servlet mapping informations.
$servlets array The servlet informations.
$sessionConfig SessionConfigNode The session configuration information.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) Initializes the web application node with default values.
getContextParams ( ) : array Return's the web application's context parameters.
getDescription ( ) : DescriptionNode Return's the description of the web application.
getDisplayName ( ) : DisplayNameNode Return's the display name of the web application.
getErrorPages ( ) : array Return's the error page informations.
getLoginConfig ( ) : LoginConfigNode Return's the login configuration information.
getSecurities ( ) : array Return's the security informations.
getSecurityConstraints ( ) : array Return's the security constraint informations.
getSecurityRoles ( ) : array Return's the security role informations.
getServletMappings ( ) : array Return's the servlet mapping informations.
getServlets ( ) : array Return's the servlet informations.
getSessionConfig ( ) : DisplayNameNode Return's the session configuration information.

Protected Methods

Method Description
postInit ( ) : void Will be invoked after the node will be initialized from the configuration values.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Initializes the web application node with default values.
public __construct ( )

getContextParams() public method

Return's the web application's context parameters.
public getContextParams ( ) : array
return array The context parameters

getDescription() public method

Return's the description of the web application.
public getDescription ( ) : DescriptionNode
return DescriptionNode The description

getDisplayName() public method

Return's the display name of the web application.
public getDisplayName ( ) : DisplayNameNode
return DisplayNameNode The display name

getErrorPages() public method

Return's the error page informations.
public getErrorPages ( ) : array
return array The error page informations

getLoginConfig() public method

Return's the login configuration information.
public getLoginConfig ( ) : LoginConfigNode
return LoginConfigNode The login configuration information

getSecurities() public method

Return's the security informations.
Deprecation: Since 1.2.0
public getSecurities ( ) : array
return array The security informations

getSecurityConstraints() public method

Return's the security constraint informations.
public getSecurityConstraints ( ) : array
return array The security constraint informations

getSecurityRoles() public method

Return's the security role informations.
public getSecurityRoles ( ) : array
return array The security role informations

getServletMappings() public method

Return's the servlet mapping informations.
public getServletMappings ( ) : array
return array The servlet mapping informations

getServlets() public method

Return's the servlet informations.
public getServlets ( ) : array
return array The servlet informations

getSessionConfig() public method

Return's the session configuration information.
public getSessionConfig ( ) : DisplayNameNode
return DisplayNameNode The session configuration

postInit() protected method

Initialize the web app with the default error page.
protected postInit ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

$contextParams protected property

The initialization parameter of the web application.
protected array $contextParams
return array

$description protected property

The description of the web application.
protected DescriptionNode,AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node $description
return DescriptionNode

$displayName protected property

The display name information of the web application.
protected DisplayNameNode,AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node $displayName
return DisplayNameNode

$errorPages protected property

The error page informations.
protected array $errorPages
return array

$loginConfig protected property

The login configuration informations.
protected array $loginConfig
return array

$securities protected property

The security informations (old format).
Deprecation: Since 1.2.0
protected array $securities
return array

$securityConstraints protected property

The security constraint informations.
protected array $securityConstraints
return array

$securityRoles protected property

The security role informations.
protected array $securityRoles
return array

$servletMappings protected property

The servlet mapping informations.
protected array $servletMappings
return array

$servlets protected property

The servlet informations.
protected array $servlets
return array

$sessionConfig protected property

The session configuration information.
protected SessionConfigNode,AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node $sessionConfig
return SessionConfigNode