PHP Class AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\WebResourceCollectionNode

Inheritance: extends AppserverIo\Description\Api\Node\AbstractNode, implements AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\WebResourceCollectionNodeInterface
Show file Open project: appserver-io/appserver

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$description DescriptionNode The description information.
$httpMethodOmissions array The HTTP method omission information.
$httpMethods array The HTTP method information.
$urlPatterns array The URL pattern information.
$webResourceName WebResourceNameNode The web resource name information.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( AppserverIo\Configuration\Interfaces\NodeValueInterface $webResourceName = null, AppserverIo\Configuration\Interfaces\NodeValueInterface $description = null, array $urlPatterns = [], array $httpMethods = [], array $httpMethodOmissions = [] ) Initializes the node with the passed values.
getDescription ( ) : DescriptionNode Return's the description information.
getHttpMethodOmissions ( ) : array Return's the HTTP method omission information.
getHttpMethodOmissionsAsArray ( ) : array Returns the HTTP method omissions as an associative array.
getHttpMethods ( ) : array Return's the HTTP method information.
getHttpMethodsAsArray ( ) : array Returns the HTTP methods as an associative array.
getUrlPatterns ( ) : array Return's the URL pattern information.
getUrlPatternsAsArray ( ) : array Returns the URL patterns as an associative array
getWebResourceName ( ) : WebResourceNameNode Return's the web resource name information.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Initializes the node with the passed values.
public __construct ( AppserverIo\Configuration\Interfaces\NodeValueInterface $webResourceName = null, AppserverIo\Configuration\Interfaces\NodeValueInterface $description = null, array $urlPatterns = [], array $httpMethods = [], array $httpMethodOmissions = [] )
$webResourceName AppserverIo\Configuration\Interfaces\NodeValueInterface The web resource name information
$description AppserverIo\Configuration\Interfaces\NodeValueInterface The description information
$urlPatterns array The array with the URL pattern information
$httpMethods array The array with the HTTP method information
$httpMethodOmissions array The array with the HTTP method omission information

getDescription() public method

Return's the description information.
public getDescription ( ) : DescriptionNode
return DescriptionNode The description information

getHttpMethodOmissions() public method

Return's the HTTP method omission information.
public getHttpMethodOmissions ( ) : array
return array The HTTP method omission information

getHttpMethodOmissionsAsArray() public method

The HTTP methods will be converted to upper case when using this method.
public getHttpMethodOmissionsAsArray ( ) : array
return array The array with the HTTP method omissions

getHttpMethods() public method

Return's the HTTP method information.
public getHttpMethods ( ) : array
return array The HTTP method information

getHttpMethodsAsArray() public method

The HTTP methods will be converted to upper case when using this method.
public getHttpMethodsAsArray ( ) : array
return array The array with the HTTP methods

getUrlPatterns() public method

Return's the URL pattern information.
public getUrlPatterns ( ) : array
return array The URL pattern information

getUrlPatternsAsArray() public method

Returns the URL patterns as an associative array
public getUrlPatternsAsArray ( ) : array
return array The array with the sorted URL patterns

getWebResourceName() public method

Return's the web resource name information.
public getWebResourceName ( ) : WebResourceNameNode
return WebResourceNameNode The web resource name information

Property Details

$description protected property

The description information.
protected DescriptionNode,AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node $description
return DescriptionNode

$httpMethodOmissions protected property

The HTTP method omission information.
protected array $httpMethodOmissions
return array

$httpMethods protected property

The HTTP method information.
protected array $httpMethods
return array

$urlPatterns protected property

The URL pattern information.
protected array $urlPatterns
return array

$webResourceName protected property

The web resource name information.
protected WebResourceNameNode,AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node $webResourceName
return WebResourceNameNode