PHP Class AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\ContainerService

Inheritance: extends AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\AbstractFileOperationService
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Public Methods

Method Description
createSslCertificate ( SplFileInfo $certificate ) : void Creates the SSL file passed as parameter or nothing if the file already exists.
findAll ( ) : array Return's all container node configurations.
getAppBase ( string $uuid ) : string Returns the application base directory for the container with the passed UUID.
getIsInstalledFlag ( ) : SplFileInfo Return's the install flag information from the configuration directory.
load ( string $uuid ) : ContainerNode Returns the container for the passed UUID.
prepareFileSystem ( ) : void Prepares filesystem to be sure that everything is on place as expected
switchSetupMode ( string $newMode, string $configurationFilename, string $user ) : void Switches the setup mode to the passed value.

Protected Methods

Method Description
isOpenSslAvailable ( ) : boolean Returns true if the OpenSSL extension is loaded, false otherwise

Method Details

createSslCertificate() public method

Creates the SSL file passed as parameter or nothing if the file already exists.
public createSslCertificate ( SplFileInfo $certificate ) : void
$certificate SplFileInfo The file info about the SSL file to generate
return void

findAll() public method

Return's all container node configurations.
See also: AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\ServiceInterface::findAll()
public findAll ( ) : array
return array An array with container node configurations

getAppBase() public method

Returns the application base directory for the container with the passed UUID.
public getAppBase ( string $uuid ) : string
$uuid string UUID of the container to return the application base directory for
return string The application base directory for this container

getIsInstalledFlag() public method

Return's the install flag information from the configuration directory.
public getIsInstalledFlag ( ) : SplFileInfo
return SplFileInfo The install flag information

isOpenSslAvailable() protected method

Returns true if the OpenSSL extension is loaded, false otherwise
protected isOpenSslAvailable ( ) : boolean
return boolean

load() public method

Returns the container for the passed UUID.
public load ( string $uuid ) : ContainerNode
$uuid string Unique UUID of the container to return
return AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\ContainerNode The container with the UUID passed as parameter

prepareFileSystem() public method

Prepares filesystem to be sure that everything is on place as expected
public prepareFileSystem ( ) : void
return void

switchSetupMode() public method

Switches the setup mode to the passed value.
public switchSetupMode ( string $newMode, string $configurationFilename, string $user ) : void
$newMode string The mode to switch to
$configurationFilename string The path of the configuration filename
$user string The name of the user who started the application server
return void