PHP Class Cartalyst\Stripe\Api\Api

Inheritance: implements Cartalyst\Stripe\Api\ApiInterface
Show file Open project: cartalyst/stripe

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$config Cartalyst\Stripe\ConfigInterface The Config repository instance.
$perPage null | integer Number of items to return per page.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Cartalyst\Stripe\ConfigInterface $config ) : void Constructor.
_delete ( $url = null, array $parameters = [] )
_get ( $url = null, $parameters = [] )
_head ( $url = null, array $parameters = [] )
_options ( $url = null, array $parameters = [] )
_patch ( $url = null, array $parameters = [] )
_post ( $url = null, array $parameters = [] )
_put ( $url = null, array $parameters = [] )
baseUrl ( )
execute ( $httpMethod, $url, array $parameters = [] )
getPerPage ( )
setPerPage ( $perPage )

Protected Methods

Method Description
createHandler ( ) : GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack Create the client handler.
getClient ( ) : Client Returns an Http client instance.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Cartalyst\Stripe\ConfigInterface $config ) : void
$config Cartalyst\Stripe\ConfigInterface
return void

_delete() public method

public _delete ( $url = null, array $parameters = [] )
$parameters array

_get() public method

public _get ( $url = null, $parameters = [] )

_head() public method

public _head ( $url = null, array $parameters = [] )
$parameters array

_options() public method

public _options ( $url = null, array $parameters = [] )
$parameters array

_patch() public method

public _patch ( $url = null, array $parameters = [] )
$parameters array

_post() public method

public _post ( $url = null, array $parameters = [] )
$parameters array

_put() public method

public _put ( $url = null, array $parameters = [] )
$parameters array

baseUrl() public method

public baseUrl ( )

createHandler() protected method

Create the client handler.
protected createHandler ( ) : GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack
return GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack

execute() public method

public execute ( $httpMethod, $url, array $parameters = [] )
$parameters array

getClient() protected method

Returns an Http client instance.
protected getClient ( ) : Client
return GuzzleHttp\Client

getPerPage() public method

public getPerPage ( )

setPerPage() public method

public setPerPage ( $perPage )

Property Details

$config protected property

The Config repository instance.
protected ConfigInterface,Cartalyst\Stripe $config
return Cartalyst\Stripe\ConfigInterface

$perPage protected property

Number of items to return per page.
protected null|int $perPage
return null | integer