PHP Class Cascade\Config\Loader\FileLoader\Json

See also: FileLoaderAbstract
Author: Raphael Antonmattei ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends FileLoaderAbstract
Show file Open project: theorchard/monolog-cascade

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$validExtensions array Valid file extensions for this loader

Public Methods

Method Description
load ( string $resource, string | null $type = null ) : array Load a JSON string/file
supports ( string $resource, string $type = null ) : boolean Return whether or not the passed in resrouce is supported by this loader

Private Methods

Method Description
isJson ( string $string ) : boolean Determine whether a given string is supposed to be a Json string This is a very simplified validation to avoid calling json_decode (which is much more expensive). If the json is invalid, it will throw an exception when we actually load it.

Method Details

load() public method

Load a JSON string/file
public load ( string $resource, string | null $type = null ) : array
$resource string JSON string or file path to a JSON file
$type string | null Not used.
return array Array containing data from the parsed JSON string or file

supports() public method

Return whether or not the passed in resrouce is supported by this loader
public supports ( string $resource, string $type = null ) : boolean
$resource string Plain string or filepath
$type string Not used
return boolean Whether or not the passed in resource is supported by this loader

Property Details

$validExtensions public static property

Valid file extensions for this loader
public static array $validExtensions
return array