PHP Class ComponentInstaller\Installer

Inheritance: extends Composer\Installer\LibraryInstaller
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$componentDir The location where Components are to be installed.

Public Methods

Method Description
getComponentDir ( ) Retrieves the Installer's provided component directory.
getComponentPath ( Composer\Package\PackageInterface $package ) : string Gets the destination Component directory.
installCode ( Composer\Package\PackageInterface $package ) Before installing the Component, be sure its destination is clear first.
postAutoloadDump ( Composer\Script\Event $event ) Script callback; Acted on after the autoloader is dumped.
removeCode ( Composer\Package\PackageInterface $package ) Remove both the installed code and files from the Component directory.
removeComponent ( Composer\Package\PackageInterface $package ) : boolean Remove a Component's files from the Component directory.
supports ( $packageType ) {@inheritDoc}

Protected Methods

Method Description
initializeVendorDir ( ) Initialize the Component directory, as well as the vendor directory.

Method Details

getComponentDir() public method

Retrieves the Installer's provided component directory.
public getComponentDir ( )

getComponentPath() public method

Gets the destination Component directory.
public getComponentPath ( Composer\Package\PackageInterface $package ) : string
$package Composer\Package\PackageInterface
return string The path to where the final Component should be installed.

initializeVendorDir() protected method

Initialize the Component directory, as well as the vendor directory.
protected initializeVendorDir ( )

installCode() public method

Before installing the Component, be sure its destination is clear first.
public installCode ( Composer\Package\PackageInterface $package )
$package Composer\Package\PackageInterface

postAutoloadDump() public static method

Script callback; Acted on after the autoloader is dumped.
public static postAutoloadDump ( Composer\Script\Event $event )
$event Composer\Script\Event

removeCode() public method

Remove both the installed code and files from the Component directory.
public removeCode ( Composer\Package\PackageInterface $package )
$package Composer\Package\PackageInterface

removeComponent() public method

Remove a Component's files from the Component directory.
public removeComponent ( Composer\Package\PackageInterface $package ) : boolean
$package Composer\Package\PackageInterface
return boolean

supports() public method

Components are supported by all packages. This checks wheteher or not the entire package is a "component", as well as injects the script to act on components embedded in packages that are not just "component" types.
public supports ( $packageType )

Property Details

$componentDir protected property

The location where Components are to be installed.
protected $componentDir